MovieChat Forums > Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) Discussion > The daughter makes no sense

The daughter makes no sense

So, we have this four-year old child. Why would someone THAT YOUNG use the school bus or even GO to school? Why would the mom need for her to go to kindergarten or daycare, if she is AT HOME, doing what? A 4-year old in school, mom has nothing to do, doesn't pick her up from school or anything?


Also, why is she SO emotionless? She's like a ROBOT. Watch everything she does, look at her face - NO EMOTION. Her MOTHER got LITERALLY just murdered in front of her eyes - the most EMOTIONAL thing ever? (debatably) - and she has _NO_REACTION_.


Listen to how she speaks - no excitement from seeing mom again and being home from school again, etc. Normally, a little kid would be bursting with energy and running around and yelling "MOM!! I AM HOMEEE!!!"

But the way she says it, geez, really? Is this the WORST child actor ever, or was she TOLD to say it in the most emotionless way possible? She doesn't EVEN show sadness, if she had a bad day, there's no bitterness in her voice if she was teased or bullied. There's a cynical, tired office clerk in her voice, and nothing else. WHAT?! HOW?

Wouldn't a kid like that want something from her mom constantly instead of being 100% quiet? Look at how her toys are spread on the yard, would a kid this unorganized have THAT kind of discipline, self-discipline and obedience to rules? How?? KIDS ARE NOT QUIET!

Also, a gunshot, and she just stands there.

Beatrice EXPLAINING something to her _AS_IF_ she could hear anything for the next hour! Her eardrums might be PERMANENTLY DAMAGED, she should be about bleeding from her ears NOT TO MENTION IN EMOTIONAL DISTRESS AND SHOCK!

She doesn't run, jump around, do anything that kids do. Is this a 4-year old kid or is this a retired, cynical office clerk from the same welfare office we were shown in 'The Incredibles'? This kid could be that 'evil clerk's grandfather, for how much energy and excitement, emotion and sadness, or ANYTHING she displays but just laconic, mildly depressed, quiet staring.

WHAT KIND OF A KID IS THIS?! Is she autistic, retarded, psychotic or what? Is she a sociopath? Is she SO traumatized by her crazy killer mother that she has learned to block out everything and make her heart stonewalled so she feels nothing? Is she on medication? HAS SHE BEEN LOBOTOMIZED?! WHAT THE F?!

In any case, guns are loud.

Guns are _RIDICULOUSLY_ loud. Guns are SO GOSH-DARNED LOUD that neither Beatrice nor that kid should be able to hear anything but a really loud BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-sound (which we were kinda played a bit whenever her name was mentioned, though, which is a weird hint to how loud guns are, but it was in the wrong place, that BEEP-sound should've been an ongoing thing after the gun was fired).

How a professional assassin MISSES from 1 meter away while having the advantage of the element of surprise is maybe the stupidest thing in this movie, but holy cow does this kid-thing almost surpass that stupidity.

That daughter makes NO SENSE from any angle you look at those scenes. I would rather think she's a highly-advanced ROBOT than an actual kid, for what emotions she displays in these very odd and distressing scenes. AT LEAST she should be a bit scared about all the blood, destruction, wounds and all she sees the second she opens the door. But nope, just EMPTY STARE ALL THE WAY, BABY!! EMPTY STARE FOR THE WIN WHEN YOU ARE 4 YEARS OLD!!

This kid makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever.


Quentin Tarantino was an idiot manchild who had never had a family or understood what it is to be the caretaker or guardian of a child. That's why he directed the scene the way he did. Things changed, however, with Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Guess he had kids in his late 50s... it has to suck having a low energy grandpa for a father... at least he is rich.


Overall, QT isn't a masterful storyteller of domestic home life. Vernita and her daughter are just plot point placeholders to move the story along. Even having Kiddo telling her that she can "look her up" when she's older was pretty stupid from a logic standpoint because what if she did and killed her and her own daughter with Machine gun. Beatrice didn't impart any code of ethics after snuffing out her mother.


I thought you were talking about Beatrix Kiddo's daughter, BB!
