MovieChat Forums > Ghost Rider (2007) Discussion > I disagree with a lot of the hate this m...

I disagree with a lot of the hate this movie got.

I will admit I really love this movie. Sure, The Dark Knight and X-Men: First Class are better movies, but I still had a lot of fun with this movie.

I do believe this movie has gotten more hate than it deserves. Nicholas Cage is in my opinion the most unappreciated actor in Hollywood. I really think that guy has some talent.

This movie was supposed to be entertaining, and it is to me every time I watch it.

Since I haven't read the comics, I can't say how well it follows it, but I will say that I love the idea for the movie.

If you disagree with me, go right ahead and say you do, but I still disagree with all the hate this movie got.


This movie cannot possibly be worse than X-Men: First Class.

That's the most you'll ever get out of me Wordman. Ever. -Eddie Wilson


Fanboy's constantly complain about super hero / comic movies not following the comic, but when they do, case in point - GR sequel, they suck. So, honestly, I don't mind a little bit of tinkering around with the scripts and story changes. In most cases, the majority of the audience hasn't followed the comics, and that's who Hollywood is trying to appeal, not the fanboys.



Some real laugh out loud moments and though not intentionally funny, the film has made me laugh more than many comedies have.

Like when JB and Slade both turned into torches and went down the highway, that music which kicked in had me in hysterics. Blackheart in every scene has an Adam Lambert vibe about him and the script is scarily bad. Even actors like Sam Elliot and Nick cage could not pull off some of the lines, they had a damn good go at it ... or were the lines better and just badly edited?

With honesty halfway through I decided to give the film away. I have only just got round to watching it and I am very fussy about the standard of films in my collection, but after seeing the clever plot about getting the souls to burn inside Blackheart, I have decided to stay the execution of the film until I have seen the second film which I got with the first one. If the sequel is hood then I will keep the first just for completion.

Just honest. It will be a great film for young kids I think - and it's young kids the film was probably aimed at.



I agree Blaze .. I love this movie too .. Just saw it for the first time tonight and entertaining it is .. BIGTIME .. I've pass it over many many times as I was going through the grid of movies to watch and for some reason this just never appealed to me .. Number 1 .. I'm a female ... love girly girly things but grew up a tomboy all the way and still am at heart .. number 2 .. I'm 60 .. but this movie truly entertained me ... A movie doesn't have to be flowery and love to be good .. this movie is a prime example of that .. the best to ya Blaze .

"A man that wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough".


I agree, thought the first movie was fun. Liked Nicholas Cage for the part. Loved the effects and storyline.


Thought he was horribly miscast as Johnny Blaze. But he did a good job in it. The film probably doesn't get made without him staring in it. Visual effects are really good.
