MovieChat Forums > Big Brother (2000) Discussion > Is this season worth watching?

Is this season worth watching?



Yes, and if Cody can win the Battleback it will be a whole lot better.


Yeah. I have been watching BB consistently for the past several seasons and this is just as worth watching as any other season.


I've only seen a few other seasons but so far this has been boring af.......


Worst season ever. Everyone listens to that idiot Paul. He is controlling the house. These people don't have minds of their own.


You have a point about people listening to Paul. Even last season, for some reason people listen to Paul and are very reluctant to nominate him or evict him. His strategy is to talk "friendship" with everyone, but if someone tries to talk about getting him out of the house he confronts them about it to blow up their game to make them appear "untrustworthy". But if you look at his diary room sessions he will betray any deal if it benefits him.


After all the crap Paul talks about he has the nerve to confront Mark. Then Mark backs down and practically apologizes to Paul. I can't stand Paul.


It's true - the problem is recycling these "vets" or "vips" back in circulation. I understand that Paul has a fan base of sorts but then the whole house dynamic shifts in his favour. All participants should be new!!


Yeah, that was the problem with this season. Not only did Paul come back, but he was safe for 3 weeks and that meant that he could run the entire house. When the newbies saw that Cody couldn't evict Paul they decided to make Cody the enemy and stay loyal to Paul. But for some reason even after Paul's 3 weeks of safety ran out no one wants to get rid of him. Mark suggested it, but everyone else is still to afraid to. Maybe if it's not fear they are just brainwashed into thinking that America wants Paul to stay. No one will even put Paul up as a pawn. I thought it was really stupid of Mark to make Paul safe last week in the hopes that Paul would keep him in the house. He's is like this sacred god in the house. I think that everyone in the house would take him to final 3 and maybe even final 2.


I thought the 3 week immunity was lame as well. Also, the whole thing "bringing back 1 member back to the house" ended up being a flop because when Cody re-entered he totally destroyed Jess' and Mark's game. Had he stayed eliminated I feel that Jess was becoming an interesting character on her own! Now that Mark is out as well maybe the season will get better but I have high hopes...... lol


I think that with the kind of people left in the house, they are just going to let Paul pick their targets each week until he is in the final 3 or2. That's it.

The best case scenario is that Kevin gets HOH and can take Paul out of the game. Otherwise, the couples will pick each other off until one of them is sitting next to Paul in final 2.
