MovieChat Forums > Survivor (2000) Discussion > How does this game work ?

How does this game work ?

Never watched it .

People stranded on island or whatever
Last one standing gets $1m - this would make them rivals
People cant hack it and elect to go home?
How else are people ejected - are there competitions?
i hope there are not phone voting ?
How long does a winner spend surviving?


bruh!? its been on for 24 years. its on prime. I would start with season 10...


ah yeah - i've seen that poster on Prime . I'll probly give it miss after misterDoctor's description though .
too much voting
although thankfully not from the public


they vote someone off every 3 days. thats how the show works. otherwise it would just be people living on a island for 39 days.


Have not watched it in close to 2 decades but here's what I remember:

They're "stranded" on an island.

There are alliances & rivalries formed.

They play games, winner gets immunity.

Sometimes there's a hidden immunity on the island.

Person with the immunity can't be voted out.

They vote for each other. No phone/outside voting.

Person with the most votes leaves.

Rinse & repeat until there are 2-3 people left.

Then I believe the people voted out vote for the winner.

Again, I have not watched it in like 2 decades, so maybe it has changed since then. Idk.


hmm , sounds like balance tilted toward too much voting and a bit of a popularity contest and away from survival skills


Actual survival skills have never factored into this game at all...


I mean ya, it's basically a reality show.

Think of like Big Brother but set on an island instead of a house.

The only "fun" parts I remember are the little games they have to play to earn the "immunity idol".

That was easily the best part imo.
