
what the heck guys?


It's a fix. I don't believe this show anymore. Especially after the nonsense with the "metamorphosis" puzzle and then the reveal and later events. Tonight it's all Ozzy never loses this one and then he's sent packing.


The metamorphosis thing was a bit odd. And now Ozzy. You could be right. Remember Debs meltdown and no one reacted to her outburst? They could be filming things out of order, now that you say that.


The thing is these are all Survivor alumni. They're part of it now. They're not rubes who are gonna go blabbing to the media. These folks are team players. It's still good tv, I don't mind if they pull stunts like this now and then. So long as we still get square seasons too. For sure things are shot out of order. That's reality show 101. They do that all the time on the Gordon Ramsay shows.


I don't get what Cirie was doing... any explanations?


Which part?


Why she didn't vote with Michaela in the second episode last week.
