MovieChat Forums > The Mexican (2001) Discussion > THE WORST MOVIE I SAW IN MY WHOLE LIFE


this is the worst movie i saw, it was the only movie that was bad enough to me to leave the theatre. cast is horrible, everyone at their low, direction is the worst i saw in years (c'mon, friday the 13th and its sequels were better directed). the plot is totally embarrasing, and the one that came up with this idea should be shot in a public area (obviously this is a joke). the next 4 worst movies don't even compare to this one in terms of a bad movie. Spiderman, Ocean's eleven, Dude, wheres my car, and Good burger are masterpieces compared to this crap. i really hate julia roberts, but i usually like brad pitt's acting (he was very good in se7en and in 12 Monkeys), but in this movie they truly suck. james gandolfini is a very good actor, how he got into this is beyond my knowledge. and not even one funny joke, i got bored in the first 5 minutes. i'm usually against banning, but this movie should be burned and it should dissapear. never to be found again


I think you've seen the wrong movie. This is a great movie. Fun, good story line, great actors fitting their parts very well. It's funny from beginning to end. Not 'rolling on the floor laughing' funny, but funny still. And it has a great mood throughout. The music is even great.

I love this movie.

Dziga Vertov:
I am the machine that reveals the world to you, as only I alone am able to see it







Ditto! I just watched this movie and surely the person who started this thread must be exagerrating, actually it was quite a fun movie, the cast was good and the storyline was interesting, I especially liked how eventually Sam and the gay hitman who held her hostage became friends and the ancient story about the gun added both mystery and romance to the story, overall 8 out of 10 from me!

If you are reading this ufokart, I wonder if you have a personal grudge or some sort of vendetta against one of the cast or director himself, becauseI couldn't think any other reason why anybody would post such a malicious comment for such a sweet movie, seriously what is your problem ufokart???



More than 12 years later and I can safely say that this is not the worst movie I've seen im my life. It's still pretty terrible, but I have found new appreciation for it :P

It's still pretty cute that some people complain about a post I made 12 years ago like I made it yesterday and I haven't seen a picture after it.

"keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


You chose your words back then. Live with it.

It was a special movie that seemed to fly over your head and somehow filled you with vitriol and angst when you wrote your review.

Every one has their own opinion and style of movie they enjoy. To bash a special movie because you didn't get it is pretty petty. There are Academy Award winning/nominated movies that I didn't like or doesn't make them BAD.


Really?? The worst in your whole life??? Were you 4 years old when you wrote this?


It is not the worst movie I have ever seen but but........when you have a film with Brad, Julia and James you expect something much much better!!!
And I also expected Brad and Julia to spend more time together in the film !
