MovieChat Forums > The Mexican (2001) Discussion > THE WORST MOVIE I SAW IN MY WHOLE LIFE


this is the worst movie i saw, it was the only movie that was bad enough to me to leave the theatre. cast is horrible, everyone at their low, direction is the worst i saw in years (c'mon, friday the 13th and its sequels were better directed). the plot is totally embarrasing, and the one that came up with this idea should be shot in a public area (obviously this is a joke). the next 4 worst movies don't even compare to this one in terms of a bad movie. Spiderman, Ocean's eleven, Dude, wheres my car, and Good burger are masterpieces compared to this crap. i really hate julia roberts, but i usually like brad pitt's acting (he was very good in se7en and in 12 Monkeys), but in this movie they truly suck. james gandolfini is a very good actor, how he got into this is beyond my knowledge. and not even one funny joke, i got bored in the first 5 minutes. i'm usually against banning, but this movie should be burned and it should dissapear. never to be found again


Um... no.


At least this film had a plot. You want bad? Watch either Idiocracy or Shoot Em Up. I couldn't get through either of those without the fast forward button.

"On three, ready? One..."(bang!)



I liked it. Winston was my favourite.


The only THING that should be banned and burned alive is you stupid *beep* ufokart.
This movie is a beauty. I give it a BIG 10/10.

"Luke, I am your mother!" "Nooooooo!" (Star Wars)


If this is the worst movie you've ever seen in your life, you really need to see more movies. This one is merely mediocre.


Armchair critics are serious business. Oh, to live a world when whiney retards realize we don't care what they think, because they are in fact retarded.
We're all the same, you and me. Born as worms, dying as worms. -Eiku Shizuma


Did this movie sleep with your wife or something?


you dont know a bad movie until youve seen Strangeland

"From hence fourth we are to be known as team SuperAwesomeCoolDynomiteWolfSquadron"


If this is the worst film you have seen then you have been very lucky in your movie watching experiences.

madness is the first sign of dandruff
Dr Winston'o'Boogie


If you like "wham bam thank you ma'am" drive by movies then you wouldn't like this movie.

This movie does have a plot, if you missed it then you were not paying attention.
This movie takes it time so that you will care about the characters.
There is some hilarious lines and situations in this movie. Unfortunately you have to be paying attention otherwise you will miss them. And Brad Pitt's acting? How was it forced (I realize the OP didn't say that)?

*And since when does your sexual orientation preclude you from certain career choices (the OP didn't say this either)?

No threesomes unless it's boy, boy, girl, or Charlize Theron.


very good


I actually REALLY like this movie.
All the main characters have proper funny moments but also a lovability factor to them.
The Mexican theme is something different to any other film like this based in America and the scenes retelling the story of the gun are brilliantly woven in.
The way the mexicans mock Brad and his dumb responses are classic.

5.9 for this is criminal, 7 at least!


sitting through this was pain

S-O-C-O-Double "L" My name is not Norman but still I rock well...


How can you say this is the worst movie ever. Brad does a great job, he is funny when it is needed and is an all around excellent actor. And for your worst movies ever, I think you are the only person in the world who thinks Oceans Eleven was a bomb let alone in the bottom 5 in history. Dude, wheres my car is a funny movie if your into that kind of funny. It is no different than the 1000 other movies that are funny just because the main characters are stupid. And Good Burger, that show was made for 10 year old kids, why don't you just go bashing bob the builder next


Completely agree
