MovieChat Forums > The Mexican (2001) Discussion > THE WORST MOVIE I SAW IN MY WHOLE LIFE


this is the worst movie i saw, it was the only movie that was bad enough to me to leave the theatre. cast is horrible, everyone at their low, direction is the worst i saw in years (c'mon, friday the 13th and its sequels were better directed). the plot is totally embarrasing, and the one that came up with this idea should be shot in a public area (obviously this is a joke). the next 4 worst movies don't even compare to this one in terms of a bad movie. Spiderman, Ocean's eleven, Dude, wheres my car, and Good burger are masterpieces compared to this crap. i really hate julia roberts, but i usually like brad pitt's acting (he was very good in se7en and in 12 Monkeys), but in this movie they truly suck. james gandolfini is a very good actor, how he got into this is beyond my knowledge. and not even one funny joke, i got bored in the first 5 minutes. i'm usually against banning, but this movie should be burned and it should dissapear. never to be found again



Since when is Gandolfini a wife beater? I don't think that's ever been said anywhere that I know of?


This movie? I thought it was called, "The Dirty Mexican." I am not really into these movies, I just remember hearing about it.


What I love about the guy is that he's a wife beater but he still has a critical hit in "The Sopranos" so they manage to ignore that fact while targeting contoversial film makers as the true monsters. You go Gandolfini! Beat those deserving women!
It was Vincent Pastore who was charged with assaulting a woman - Not James Gandolfini. You Schmuck.


This movie was the worst movie I have seen. There was no plot. It was about everyone trying to find gun. How stupid is that. I am glad I did not pay for the movie.


There was no plot.

It was about everyone trying to find gun.

You are a moron.


Im pretty sure on every single movie thread in this this site there is a "this is the worst movie I have ever seen" post. As for this movie, it wasnt that great, but it could have been a lot worse.


Seeing that fat Soprano guy play a gay hitman was just sickening. I didn't know whether to use bleach in the shower after it, I just felt gross. And any movie with Julia Roberts in it is part of the third circle of hell.


ive seen worst, the only thing i liked in this movie is julia roberts telling brad that he forrest gumped his way out. and thats that.
and you guy may disagree but i feel that brad pitt is the cameron diaz of men. really hot and talented but waste their time doing movies like this.
pitt has seven, 12 monkeys, fight club and diaz has being john malkovich, things you can say, last supper and they go off and make the mexican or the sweetest thing?? c'mon

silly rabbit, timers are for kids



I don't know about the worst movie I have ever seen but it was certainly one I will never see again.
Pitt's acting seemed "strained".
Julia Roberts must be some kind of "aquired taste",
I have never cared for her acting. (or her looks for that matter)
The homosexual hitman premise was just ridiculous.
I've seen worse but this is definately on my "Don't watch again" list.


why does everyone always complain about some stupid old movies
all the time here in IMDB, there are only threads like WORST MOVIE EVER
they should be banned for crap threads like that or at least close the threads, whatever, it just pisses me off


You have not seen many movies, have you? (I mean the original poster)


Maybe rental 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain :D



