MovieChat Forums > The Mexican (2001) Discussion > THE WORST MOVIE I SAW IN MY WHOLE LIFE


this is the worst movie i saw, it was the only movie that was bad enough to me to leave the theatre. cast is horrible, everyone at their low, direction is the worst i saw in years (c'mon, friday the 13th and its sequels were better directed). the plot is totally embarrasing, and the one that came up with this idea should be shot in a public area (obviously this is a joke). the next 4 worst movies don't even compare to this one in terms of a bad movie. Spiderman, Ocean's eleven, Dude, wheres my car, and Good burger are masterpieces compared to this crap. i really hate julia roberts, but i usually like brad pitt's acting (he was very good in se7en and in 12 Monkeys), but in this movie they truly suck. james gandolfini is a very good actor, how he got into this is beyond my knowledge. and not even one funny joke, i got bored in the first 5 minutes. i'm usually against banning, but this movie should be burned and it should dissapear. never to be found again


Definately one of the biggest pieces of crap I've ever seen and I love Pitt


Well you obviously haven't seen "Bad boy bubby" :)


it wasn't the worst movie i ever saw, but it is in my top 10 of bad movies.
i like julia roberts and i like brad pitt, but i did not like them in this movie. they really annoyed me the whole time.
strange enough my friend i went to watch it with loved to movie.
taste differ.



I liked it! i thought the story was a little...odd, i guess you could say but that didn't stop me from liking it all the same.

Julia Roberts' character annoyed me a little but i thought her acting was fine. For example, In the scene where the postal worker had jumped/been thrown from the balcony she managed to cry on que which is pretty damn hard - i can't agree that anybody in this film acted badly. Specaly Gandolfini who i consider to be a god.

I like movies with a twist in the end and this had a very good one that i didn't see coming.

i must also voice my strong distaste for the New Beetle so i loved the scene where Leroy (Winston) wrings its it little green neck! Awsome!

But i must point out that i saw it on T.V and i think it's easy to like a movie when you haven't spent $12 to see it! It's not even in my top 100 but i wouldn't call it "the worst movie ever" or even "bad".

Oh, and i found the fact that in the end somebody finnaly just took the Chrysler insted of "something a litte more...." to be laugh-out-loud funny.

don get me wrong tho, if you hate it thats fine by me. I'm not married to it.


this movie was *beep* i didnt watch it all

thank god i didnt pay


I also love gandolfini, but i really think this movie is like a cancer in his career.

I really don't believe that crying is that impressive, who knows how much time did she have to prepare for that scene, maybe she cried because someone was cooking something (probably not), but even i could cry once because i wanted to do it. It's difficult, but not impressive.

I really don't remember any joke, that's maby because i want to forget i ever saw this movie.

Obviously we have different opinions and that is all right, at least you didn't insult me like some of the other users.

"keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"



Not really the best movie ever, but I enjoyed it. I think it's an entertaining blend of a comedy, road movie, violent adventure and romance. I loved the music that is reminiscent of Ennio Morricone, I laughed with some good funny moments and in general I had a good time watching it. I liked the remarkable cast. I was glad to see Brad Pitt in a funny role (a rarity indeed) and to find out that he does well in that kind of roles, too. My favorite scene: when Jerry thinks that he speaks Spanish adding an -o at the end of every English word :-)

Inferentially: In my humble opinion it isn't that bad as some posters claim, if we take into account that is a low budget movie.



No. I don't know what you expect from a movie, but don't see how this doesn't deliver in some way. I'm no fan of Julia Roberts or Brad Pitt and don't like the tough-guys-with-guns variety of films. I was expecting to dislike this, but it was the Sunday night TV movie and so I watched it, waiting for it to get lame but liking it more and more. This is an excellent flick, with one of the most intelligent scripts I've come across -- a rare example of a movie with twist after twist that all surprise and amuse, yet make sense even when it's all over. With all the stupid movies out there where they blow tens of millions on special effects but forget to hire someone who can make the story make even minimal sense, this is a refreshing switch to a nuanced story well told. It had lots of memorable bits and snappy dialogue, and every actor was just right, even the dog. If I get a chance I'll see it again, to be amused again and to figure out a few parts that I didn't quite pick up on.


I'll just list movies I thought were worse than this one;

You Got Served (2004)
Torque (2004)
The Job (2003)
Cold Creek Manor (2003)
Honey (2003)
From Justin To Kelly (2003)
Gigli (2003)
Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever (2002)
The Master of Disguise (2002)
The Bogus Witch Project (2000)
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
Battlefield Earth: A Saga Of The Year 3000 (2000)
Spiders (2000)
The Matrix (1999)
Baby Geniuses (1999)
Bats (1999)
Club Vampire (1998)
Steel (1997)

And that's all I can think of right now....but I'm sure there are many more. This movie wasn't too bad.




I am the only one I know(personally) who liked it.



Not only the worst, but the most stupidest movie ever.
