MovieChat Forums > 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001) Discussion > ASK ME ANY QUESTION ABOUT THIS MOVIE


i have seen this movie 100s of times, studied it, worshipped it. Ask me any question about it I will almost guarantee I know the answer. Any hate-posts will be ignored. Don't waste your time.

You never have trouble parking when you drive a forklift...


Excuse me, kind sir.

In this movie, are you able to see Courtney Cox's breasts?


no, only lingerie and side views.

"That's the only thing expected of man... his good is knowing that he is bad..."




Cool man, i do the same, with The Departed. not 100's though, im only 17 erebody saying its a lil obsessive,

but i got a question for you

Its mentioned that there were two sons who elvis real sons. (or maybe daughter)

I think its hinted that murph is actually a presley, but could russels character be as well? im suprised they didnt go for the bro angle


It's never acutally stated, but I believe that both Murph and Mike were the illegeitamate sons of Elveis... therefore brothers as well

"That's the only thing expected of man... his good is knowing that he is bad..."


Sorry for the delay in replying to this topic... but I just addressed every reply. Please check in the few replies under your question, as I answered several questions in one post. Hopefully I've addressed everyone/everything. If there is a question that I did not acknowledge, then please re-ask it and I will answer it to the best of my ability.

So, now that I'm back,... I'd be happy to offer-

"That's the only thing expected of man... his good is knowing that he is bad..."


Thanks so much!
As there were originally going to be the two different from Costner and one from Russel, are these on the internet anywhere to view?

Courteney Cox: Honesty is the key to a relationship. If you can fake that you're in.


actually no.. you can't find them sanywhere. hopefully they'll realase a special edition dvd with it included, but even that seems unlikely. I believe Costner's ending resulted in Murphy getting away with the money... and Russel's ending was the one that was used.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Just before Murphy's death, he turns to shoot out a window and blows up a giant gas tank and sends people flying off the top of the building. What song is playing when this takes place?


I believe the one when he was in the window was Killing Time by (hed) PE

other songs in that shootout scene include Low by Transmission OK (the main song) and New Disease by Spineshank (during the hanging upside down with uzis scene)

I hope that helps!

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Wow,you know a lot about that movie!

I love that movie a lot.Being a Kurt Russell fan,it was reason for me to watch it!

Loved the Kurt and Courtney-they made a very cute couple!

There's one question:

Did Cybill and Murphy know each other before?At the boat,Kurt wants to know that,but she didn't reply-she only cried!


It's hinted a lot but never actually proved that Murphy wanted Cybil to get to know Mike and take a portion of his cut of the money and give it to Murph. I don't really think that happened though; I think it was Murph just messing with Mike's head in the jail cell.

In the boat, I don't think Mike was referencing that Cybil knew Murph already though. Mike didn't beleive that Murphy kidnapped Jesse and is holding him for ransom... he thought that it could been another scheme for Cybil to get her hands on his money. He was wondering how Murphy found Cybil after Mike split from them when he asks "So what- you and Murph just run into each other?"
Cybil kind of smiles at first at this realization, but then starts crying when she realizes that through her scheming and cons, trying to get the money for herself, that she ends up risking the life of her son. If she never tried to run away, it never would've went that far.

I kind of got off track there, but now that I think about it, Cybil never met Murphy until she tried to launder the money at Jay Peterson's Antique Refurnishing. If she knew Murphy before, then she would have realized immediately that he was not Jay Peterson.
Cybil: "Are you Jay Peterson?"
Murph: "In the flesh"

Plus, he dind't recognize the kid.

So, to answer your question... they did not know each other beforehand.
Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Can you provide a *still-shot* of all the showgirls that were featured ?

There's one (or two) that stand out (I think both of them were brunettes).



yeah. i'll have to do it tonight though. I'll to get their names, too.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Your answer to my last question wasn't quite right.

Watch this clip.

At 5:20, just when he leans out and that hard rock/metal music starts playing from high note to low note a few times.. what is that song? I must have it lol

Edit: And it's not Filter - It's Gonna Kill Me

At least that part from the movie sure as hell isn't in that song.


I can't watch the video beacuse I'm on dialup, but I'm assuming you mean the song when he leans out of the window in th ewarehouse and shoots the police cars and oil tanks...

That song is Low by Transmission OK

If you mean another scene, then please describe the scene more...

Hope that helps...

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


That's not the song. You got the scene right, but that's not the song that plays during it. Watch your copy of the movie and then I'm sure you can answer it.


Here's some stillshots of all of the girls:

Not quite sure which two you meant, but they're probably the two in the front in these shots:

Hope that helps

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


What's the name of the song that Howie Long is singing to while he is flying the chopper to teh casino?

"Sticking feathers up you butt does not make you a chicken."-Tyler Durden


50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


haha nice dude, i've been wanting to know that for awhile.

"Sticking feathers up you butt does not make you a chicken."-Tyler Durden


Still waiting for the correct answer to my question... :P


It is low by transmission ok

listen to the song here: (click on "Low") Hear the riff in the ebackground of that clip

Then watch the scene again.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


That's not it. Watch the clip again. Right when Franklin's Requiem ends and he starts shooting out the window and blows up the tank and police car. That's the song I want. It's not Low by Transmission OK


Thank you for the still-shots, general razor :)


no prob conrad

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Did you forget about me? lol :P


Didn't forget lol...

I looked at the clip on my dvd, I'm pretty sure I'm right about the song.

Low by Transmission OK is my final answer...

How come you don't think that that is it?

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


That can't be your final answer... because it's wrong! lol

I've listened to the entire song multiple times, and there's not one part that sounds anything at all like the song in the scene from the movie. (where he's shooting at the tank and police cars) In the song, someone yells "YEAH" really long 4 times while it's played. Last "YEAH" is even longer and goes from a low pitch to a very high pitch.

The song you speak of is not the same.

Edit: And just so yah know, I'm not messing with you or anything. I really want that damn song lol I've been trying for way too long to find it :P

Another Edit: Here's the full song. It's definitely not the song from the scene.


Low is the one that says Low!....Yeah!...
I'm sure of it lol

listen to that mp3 at 0:29

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Yeah.. you've got to be watching the wrong part of the movie. No one says "Low!.. Yeah!" in the song from the scene that I am talking about. It's just "Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" 4 times in a row and it's 2 people yelling it... same notes but on different scales. It's nothing at all like anything from Low by Transmission OK.

The scene in which I speak of is where Murphy shoots out the window at the tank on the roof, blows it up, then shoots at the police cars and blows one of them up. The song begins right as he leans out the window of the building. The song directly before it is Franklin's Requiem. It goes from Franklin's Requiem directly into the song that IS NOT LOW BY TRANSMISSION OK. That song is NOTHING like the song in the scene that I am talking about. It's a COMPLETELY different song.

The scene is in that clip. It starts at 5:20 in the clip. That's the song. You can still watch it if you're on dial up. Just open it up in a separate window and let it load, then go back and watch it at 5:20. You'll see the exact scene and hear the exact song that I am referring to. Then you'll know that it's NOT Low by Transmission OK.


Did you give up? :P


Well I looked at the scene again... and you're right- It's not Transmission OK. Maybe I'm just tired or not thinking straight, but I cannot honestly name the song in the scene. I never thought the question that stumped me would be a song question...

but you have my full curiosity now.

Let's first go over what it's NOT:
It's Gonna Kill Me by Filter (although that's the closest-sounding one)
Trouble by Elvis
Vapor Trail by Crystal Method
Such a Night by Elvis
Smartbomb by BT
You Are my Destiny by Paul Anka
Come in Hard by Hardknox
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover by Paul Simon
Let's Go for a Ride by Stewboss
Loaded Gun by Hednoize
In 2 Deep by KWS
Bad to the Bone by George T.
Cold Shot by Stevie Ray Vaugn
Who's Your Uncle by Uncle Kracker
Angel Dust by Bender
Far Away by Gov't Mule
Low by Transmission OK
New Disease by Spineshank
My Way by Elvis
Killing Time by Hed pe
Mansion on the hill by A3
Follow Me by Uncle Krack
Bleeder by Nothingface (... this is one song that i have no idea where it occurs in the movie... it's not it though, because I have listened to the song a few times)

Songs that I'm ASSUMING that the song isn't:
Come to My Room by the Kreples
River of the Clouds by the Vibe Expereince
Honey Money by ...
Every Little Thing by Lily Costner (we can pretty much guarantee it that this isn't it. However, I'm only assuming that this is the song when Cybil drives off after stealing Mike's wallet)

What That Leaves as Possiblilties:

Wicked Ways by C.A. Terrel (however, I suspect that this is the song when Murphy's car enters the movie for the first time)

Inner Dimension Spectrum by Morgan Harris (this could be it)

So Good by Subsonica (not sure, but the song sounds like something a group called Subsonica would perform)

Happy B-day to You by M. Hill/P, Hill... (not even sure)

Murphy's Law by the Fuzz Brothers (I suspect that this is the drums before the scene, but even that I'm not sure)

.....So that leaves about 4 possibilites. Are there any you can eliminate? I can't find half the songs from this movie anywhere.... I've tried many times.

Congrats by the way... you picked a question that I coundn't answer. There was only one other question that stumped me (involving the guitar note for Franklin's Requiem)....

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Why did I have to be the only other person to stump you on a question lol. >_<
I really want to know what that damn song is lol.

I'll try to find those five you listed later on. I'm heading to bed right now.

Thanks for trying your hardest though. I really appreciate it.

Edit1: Cross Wicked Ways off the list.

Edit2: Cross Morgan Harris off the list.

Edit3: This is proof enough for me that it isn't Subsonica. Listen to the samples.

Edit4: And this is proof enough for me that it isn't The Fuzz Brothers.

I know it's not "Happy BDay to You" lol. I believe that was in there for the diner seen when the waitress was singing lol

I dunno man.. it sounds like a song that would be quite popular.. I don't know how it could go completely uncredited >_<


Then maybe it is one of theseL
Come to My Room by the Kreples
River of the Clouds by the Vibe Expereince
Honey Money by ...

I don't think so, though...

Perhaps it is a remix of the FIlter song, considering it sounds fairly close...?

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


well if we're gonna close that out, then:


Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Yeah, I gave up lol

I guess it's one question we'll just never know :(

O well at least we tried. Thanks :)


Yup lol...
If I come up with anything, I'll let you know.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


k thx


Fine then, what's the full body count?


If I count correctly, the body count is 43.

It might be 44, though, depending on whether the blow that the security guard took to the forehead by Murph's shotgun butt was lethal or not (in the count-room, just before the heist, when they enter the room).

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Wow I guess Murphy had the most kills, huh?


yup... although hamilton and hanson were close in their shootouts
Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


So I have been wondering about the cigarettes smoked in this movie. I think what murphy smokes is fake but do you know what Michael is smoking? you said st. james cigarettes but i have never seen those anywhere.


Yeah... they're acutal cigarettes, but known as Little Cigars (not to be confused with mini-cigars... little cigars are much littler)

The brand is Cheyenne and they come in a variety of flavors.
You probably won't find them in most gas stations, but most tobacco shops would have them. Ask for Cheyenne Little Cigars.
Moreover, they're only .99 a pack, at least in new york.

Hope that helps, sorry i didn't get back to you right away on that one.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Do you have any pictures from when Kurt visited the SG-1 set in his Elvis costume?

How could it get worse? Some alien made you his bitch!--Dean Winchester


I don't, but I'll look around for you

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


I couldn't find any pics like that


Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


I guess this is an easy one for you,what is the name/singer of that country music during the credits?




Yeah I still look at this post lol.... my email notifies me whenever I get a reply, but for some reason I missed these last few in the past month.

Thanks for the info... firearm questions sometimes get me... I could probably figure them out with enough research, but I don't know them off-hand.
That Remington 870 was a mean gun at the end... probably would have to be my choice if I needed to arm myself.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Elvis Pressley!
the song name is Such a Night

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


What does Kurt Russel smoke in this movie? It looks like Marlboro blues, but the cigarettes are a brown color... ?


They'er either Cheyenne's or Santa Fe's (same thing, different names), more of a little cigar then anything.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


color of the foot rest Zane uses to stand up on and retrieve the bag of money from Cybils attic thing...

~When That Rope Starts To Pull Tight, You Can Feel The Devil Bite Your Ass~



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Why do you love this movie so?


Not sure, something about the tone, the setting, the characters, the soundtrack, and the story just make the movie fun to watch.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


What brand/model of sunglasses is Murphy wearing? Gotta get some before my next casino heist...

"You want a jelly sandwich?"


They were actually made for the movie, so there is no specific brand of them. However, the closest ones you'll find to those shades can be found at Nike.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


wow! you've kept this thread going for 2 1/2 years!! never saw this film... should i check it out? :P would you say this is your favorite film? if not what is? i am jack's signature


Yeah this is probbaly my fav, other good ones are Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man and teh Tremors movies

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


during one of the casino scenes (i know, i know.. its all casino scenes lol) this girl i used to know said she was an extra in this movie.. said she was sitting at a slot machine then kurt russels character walked past her, she looked up and the cigarette she was smoking fell out of her mouth....

question is.. does this scene exist and is there a screen shot of it anywheres?


What is the song Murphy is listening to in his car right before he hits the cyote?

"The world will look up and shout save us and i'll whisper no"--Watchmen


Loaded Gun by Hednoize

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Not from memory there isn't, but I'll have to look closely at the movie for that

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


ah sweet deal, i always wanted to watch it to see if she was just blowing smoke out of her ass or if she was really in it lol but i heard that the movie sucked and i didnt know exactly how far in it was so i'd probably miss it. anyways the girl was only like 15 or so when she said this so im thinking she was full of it because what movie would have a 15 year old extra smoking a cigarette on a slot machine.. i mean she looked older than 15... do they really go that far? lol


I would've probbaly noticed a 15 year old girl in it, I say she's full of it lol

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



im gonna hafta vouch.. after all we were in a treatment center together lol (not a looney bin for those of you that might get confused)

i was only there about 4 days before she left so i didnt get to know her very well to determine if she was a compulsive liar or not :p


What kind of leather coat is Murphy wearing in this? cause i would really like to get one like it.

"The world will look up and shout save us and i'll whisper no"--Watchmen


It basically falls into the category of "3/4 Length leather trench coat for men"... you can't find one exactly like it, though, as it was made specially for the movie....

unless you get the original one used in the movie itself, located here:

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


When Murphy is doing the sexual survey at Peterson's place, he circles 'Yes' to "Have you ever had sex with a man?" Is that part of the movie hinting to the possibility of either Mike being Murphy's b!tch, or Murphy being Mike's b!tch? After all, they were cellmates.


They weren't cell mates, they just served time in the same prison.

And I think it implies that Murphy had b!tches, not the other way around... there's a couple things that imply this-
Mike's line "These your other girlfriends?"
and the line in prison in the prequel "You can have him when I'm done!"

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Thank you!


Which HED P.E. songs are in the film?

"He's losing his mind... and I'm reaping all the benefits.."


Just the one during the shootout and when you see Murphy laughing (its the same song)

It's called Killing Time, off of their album Broke. It's also on the movie soundtrack.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


You are correct, man. There's also a quick sample from their song KEN 2012 though.

"He's losing his mind... and I'm reaping all the benefits.."


Is KEN 2012 on any of (hed)'s albums?

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."



Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


How many hairs in Kevin Costner's right sideburn?


haha... well i guess it would depend on exactly the section of his hair that you would consider his sideburn

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


I skimmed over the previous 14 pages...and I did not see this question asked:

When Mike is released from jail, wouldn't his car have been searched by the cops and Cybil found?

The only answer I can think of (other than it being a goof) is that it was put in to show the incompentency (sp?) of the Boise police force.

"I stick my neck out for nobody."- Rick Blaine, Casablanca


They might have beaten the punch... once the car was impounded, it might not have had time to be searched yet...

other than that theory, I think it was just a plot hole.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Why does it suck so bad?


When will the blu-ray be announced?


No announced date for the Blu-ray yet... there may never be one due to the movies unpopularty.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."


Was it really necessary to kill Naomi?


No it wasn't, but Murphy wanted to mess with Mike by the switching-the-clothes trick.

Murphy: "Do you recognize me now? Because I recognize you."
