MovieChat Forums > The 6th Day (2000) Discussion > FACT: Religion has held back humankind ...

FACT: Religion has held back humankind 3000+yrs.

As a newly licensed board certified MD now in Cardiology school and then plan on Surgery training as my mom is a Cardiologist Surgeon. My hubby who is I met in University is also a MD. I am from Germany he is a 3rd Japanese American fellow very handsome 😊 and very smart. He has both US (7gens strong) and Japan family as do I.

I have 5 gens of German American family but most of my family are back in Germany. My hubby and I have dual citizenship and with Japan as its harder to achieve but his dad's side of the family are all Govt types aka military, federal Le and civilian law enforcement. So he had contacts to get us the very hard papers and we have a 2nd home in Japan as we both are fluent in English, Japanese, German and Korean his stepmom is Korean. I took them in University as minors or for extra credits.

My family is similar my dad's side have lots of military and LE types and both my husband and my mothers side are in the medical field so I guess we are soul mates LOL if you believe in that but we are very like minded etc.

So intro's aside as a scientist and a medical Dr. Cloning is a real viable option tho its decades away? Cloning or organ reproduction research is going on at a fast rate and new wonders are found every time its very exciting. Like stem cell research,nano technology and microchip implants and various other ways to actually produce organs, regain sight, hearing, walking, talking I mean sky's the limit.

BUT...We have these anti-science groups, PETA and of course the major idioten's are the religious fanatics mainly the Christians and Catholics who and you can look it up for yourself (as I minored in history and military history) have held up human technology by more than 3 thousand years. And like the movie religious zealots like Trip are just like that. No diff than the Taliban or the bad Muslim's trying to take over the world to the religious wars in Chechnya, Bosnia and Ireland etc etc etc.

Now I respect all religions and also those how don't. I really hate those that are like the Taliban and we have em in Germany and we have em in the US Christan's and Catholics (I don't mean all of course just the hot heads) who only thing their god or their religion means anything and like our former Nazi's who have stained my home for ever. Want the church to take over everything Govt, state and if they could everyone of us. They put down other religions and those who do NOT share their views with violence and hate. Again to me they are not different that the Nazi's or a cult.

Church and state should always remain apart. They have done enough damage to the world and are still doing damage but thankfully people are waking up to this and fighting back. I am all for cloning and organ reproduction or anything that can save lives. I believe in GMO food (Ja its easy to protest when you are not starving GMO's will save millions of lives but groups like Greenpeace and other imo eco terrorists are just getting in the way) and NO the radiation in Japan is NOT going to kill millions. Yes I also hate conspiracy nutjobs.

I love the tech the film is based on or has used and how it shows how religion can destroy a incredible thing. Now other than that its again purely a fictional film, but in real life in the end NO ONE can stop technology no one and history proves that, they may slow and mess up the words and many people will die because of these morons, but the non believers, technology and science always wins in the end ALWAYS and the future this and other films portray like surrogates and of course I mean the technology these films are based off of. WE again know the films themselves are all jut a pure Hollywood, just saying the LOL for the 4-5th time the basic science the writers used to make these films are based off of reality a reality that can one day come true just as robotics will.

EG: Japan has Robots and electronics or tech in general 10-20 yrs ahead of world. The future looks so exciting, fresh and new. Despite the naysayers which always lose...Gun ban? Failed, Marijuana legalization at the state (and soon fed) level failed by 2016 nearly 14 states will have legalized it and that is great news for our patients. As I am against big Pharma and their toxic painkillers and depression meds. Pardon the rant I could go on and on but us normal people see the BS. But I hardly come online and I never reply to my posts as too busy and only time I do come here or online is 1 to shop lol , work and because I just watched this film and had to say my 2 cents and I use voice so typing is easy for moi. LOL! Btw the church nowadys? Scandal after scandal. Nuff said as you yanks say!

Ich bin jetzt meine seifenkiste 😂

Dr.Nichole A. MD. AKA Nicky was here.

I never revisit posts. Also too busy and mature to argue.


I'm glad that this post is here as proof of the extreme hubris of college educated simpletons.


These guys are pretty religious and they look like they’re doing fine.


Retards sucking each other off.

But why?

