Holds up really well

Just watched this again for the first time in years. Still pretty great. The only thing that gets worse is Kate Hudson's performance. Nothing special at all, and I can't believe she was considered the favorite to win the Oscar at the time.

Also, Jimmy Fallon still sticks out like a sore thumb, but not as bad as I remembered.

The choice of music is tremendous, obviously, might be my favorite thing about this movie. Feel Flows by The Beach Boys, America by Simon and Garfunkel, Tangerine by Zeppelin, Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters. Just fit perfectly.


It’s a great flick. The way they mock Rolling Stone Magazine is priceless. A bunch of pretentious San Francisco asshats who’ve never known a thing about rock music.


Aged ok.
Several performances are too hammy, and all this lifestyle is just pure nonsense.

Are we expected to see Penny Lane as some kind of gentle soul that is so pure and good and inspiring?
She's a loser just following random bands around and having sex with them. We get it, move on.

The airplane scene was also so clichê and silly, we even had the classic "I'm gay" moment.


This movie is timeless.

Lester Bangs portrayal is epic.
- his commentary on Rolling Stone Magazine is absolutely priceless

"Listen to Tommy with a candle burning, and you will see your entire future."
- this captures so much about the greatness of 70s-80s music. It was everything. The music. The album art. The album notes. The story albums told.
