Favorite Quotes*****

I have lots of favorite quotes..here are some-

*Girls have a button, boys have a pole. Wicked touching takes its toll!*

*My feelings would be best expressed in a monologue from the made for tv movie Sybill starring a young miss Sally Field. Oh look at you painted up in your little halter top, you're nothing but a litle slut. I'm a Puerto Rican lady senor. You're nothing but a little slut Sybill Ann Dorsett. I'm not a slut. I'm not a slut. I'm not a slut. I ain't no slut! *

*You shut up, no you shut up. Do you want me to spank your booty? huh, you want me to spank it? I'll spank it, I'll spank it! *

*Did it ever occur to you that I am rubber and you are glue and everything you say to me bounces off of me and sticks to you. Yeah well just put that in your back pocket.***

*Sometimes when I get nervous, I put my fingers under my arms and - I SMELL 'EM LIKE THAT! *snifffff**

*I told her to move her big, white butt or I would cold-cock her honky ass.*


Helen: "Hayy.. wanna be my best friend?"
- What makes this soo classic for me is that a good friend of mine can do the EXACT voice and facial expression as the actress does in the film. Hilarious.

Mary: "Your birthmark looks like s**t."
- I can't believe no one has mentioned this one yet...

-- GarradAM


I dont remember many quotes, but i loved it when she said her name really fast "MaryKathrineGallagher"



wow then i suggest you take your negative attitude elsewhere, because this is a forum for people who ENJOY the movie.

or as mary katherine would say, "go drink a bottle of yourself."


one of the best in the movie is An exchange between Helen and Mary:
(Sorry if I don't quote it word for word)
Helen "It's so obivous you two are going to hook up. He said you had nice moves which means he was looking at your body, which means he thinks you're do-able. So Basically he asked you to sleep with him."
Mary: "Woah, this relationship is moving too fast"

Get's me everytime

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?






Hey, why don't I just go out and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may, what'd ya say?

Aye, Captain Stubing. How are Gopher and Doc?


when they all manage to cross themselves during the cafeteria dance party.

::"FATHER, SON, AND HOLY GHOST!" as "everybody dance now" blasts in the background.::

also this classic, which i abuse the hell out of...

"that's it, you're sad, so you know what it's time for? SUPERMODEL DOCUMENTARY HOUR!"


idk about u guys but the part that got my laughing was when she was in the church and she was praying and all of a sudden she was like:
dkfdjfkasfjasdkfljasdfksajfks SUPERSTAR!!!........Amen.

o and when shes in her room and shes like jumpin around she shes like isnt it ROMANTIC!! and shes so retarded and on her bed rollin over and stuff

"want me 2 spank ur booty, ill spank it..ill spank it...shhhhhhh"


omg dancing with the scarf and the old-assed record player! i love it!


I can't find my favourite on the net, but it is when Evian goes to Sky's house after he dumps her and his mom answers the door. Then when his mom calls him, he walks right past the door and says he isn't there. and he is wearing his PJs! It cracks me up!

This movie was awesome!

"Wham, bam thank you jam. Who's gonna love it? Your family am!


hahah how about when sky calls evian and is like "listen evian i think we need to break up" and she says "why!?" and hes like "i dont know i really dont want to talk about it right now" and she says "but you called me" haha i think that parts funny

oh and "Nipple hair!" "Boob Sweat!"


"i'm sorry, you had a little spot...on your brassiere there..."
it's worth the pain of getting flicked in the boobs just to hear that line.


Dannyboy87898: hahaha the quotes you picked out, and the way you typed them, i could totally hear her say them, it made me laugh til i cried!

Gravel: the bane of my existence!


i love when Sky does the pepper mill!!

and i love owen! he's sooo funny!

i always laugh when they are do attendence and the Father says his name...
Owen: Here, here, here, here, here.

i don't know why, he's just so cute when he does it.



Does anyone know the quote when Helen is talking to Mary about him being the "swaziest"?



they're talking about how skye's a great dancer, like patrick swayze was in dirty dancing(johnny castle what what). it's so funny because i really think that movie has some of the worst dancing ever, i LOVE it.


Its been a while since anyone has posted one but I just watched it... Anyway my favorite quotes are the ones that you hear in the background at the school like at the talent show a nun or priest is selling some food and they say

"They're Mary Magdalicious!"

Those are so funny. Im going to re watch it and post the rest.


The whole boob sequence is hilarious. I like it how she overacts and is like, oh, they're so big! I have to take a bra to strap them back for support..." So funny. And the accents they use during Supermodel Documentary Hour.


"Where's your hand? In a new friend's hand, that's where!"

"These are my BREASTS. They're so BIG. I need a BRA to strap them and support because they're so HUGE they need to be hooked and strapped for support. My big boobs, this one is bigger than this one 'cause is the mommy and that's the baby. And this one is very nice to this one and they hold hands because they're FRIENDS!"

"Are you aware that I am rubber, and you are glue, and whatever you say to me bounces off, of me, and sticks to you? So put that in your, back pocket."

"It's time.. to feed.. the REEEETAAAARDS!"


The whole scene where Mary is walking down the hallway and people keep calling her names like, "panty stain" and "boob sweat."

Aye, Captain Stubing. How are Gopher and Doc?


haha yea "It's time.. to feed.. the REEEETAAAARDS!" is awesome..

and "my parents were savagely ripped apart and eaten by a school of hammer head sharks..." "...yeh that seems to hapen alot"

aaand.. "...id rather people were afraid of me than made fun of my st-st-st-stutter"


and i know its not a quote but the part where the priest, i dont remember his name, is eating the burnt toast.
and then when mary and evian are in his office and he tells evian off and then turns to talk to mary and the angel statue is right in his line of vision.

aaah waaaay too many


"and when i say booga booga you booga booga..whats booga booga..i dont know but when i say it you better *beep* figure it out"

-i never go anywhere without my crowbar-



All those and
"This one is bigger than this one. Cuz this is the mommy and that's the baby. And this one is very nice to this one. And they hold hands cuz they're friends!"

"I did the fax machine for you!"

"Here. But uh the devil speaks for me.. obviously!"

When she's done dancing and says something about blood sugar.

And all those funny things I can't remember at the moment.

"It's not who we are underneath. It's what we do that defines us." -Batman Begins <3


*Skye: Bartholemew, nice name
*(At the talent show, in the background) undeviled eggs! Lady crucifingers!
*I just love how Skye is always in his PJs at his house but its always a fancy occasion. lol

My Opinion, take it or leave it



"Not to point a finger of blame, but who broke the good toaster?" and then they all look up at her lol, I love that line!


Ok then, keep it to yourself. K? ^_^ Thanks. -_- ...ya fool.
I think everyone else here thinks this movie was pretty good. If not good, then just funny.


Canada_Chick was my old ID.


Are you calling me a fool? What the hell did I do? The subject says Favorite Quotes so I posted one of mine, sorry if I aggitated you.


No sorry not you. The guy that posted before you. spreerod1538. He said "I don't think one part in this entire movie made me laugh... and that is why this movie sucked balls*, ya fool."

Canada_Chick was my old ID.


oh okay lol



omg hahah

and after Sky tells Mary she has nice moves Helen says:
"He said you have nice moves, which means he was checking out your body, which means he thinks your do-able, which totally means he was asking you to sleep with him"
and then Mary goes "I think this relationship is moving a little too fast for me..."

hahahaha. gets me everytime...and when Helen does the laugh

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature! :)


Evian(to sky's mom)- is sky home?
Sky(walking by)- uh,uh,definitely not, no way
Sky's Mom- i dont think hes home
Evian-oh, well when he gets home can you tell him to give me a call?
Sky(walking by again)- I DONT WANNA TALK! GO AWAY!
Sky's mom- ok, I'll tell him

(the armaggeddon parody)
Sky- (holding Mary) you have to let go now
Sky- please, you have to get off

(while Sky's talking to Mary in the parody and the space crew is humming)

lol will ferrell's the best!


haha! I love those ^^ They're hilarious! Especially the "CAN YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! GOD! IM TRYING TO TALK!" lmao and I love when Sky goes "Oh, now you're giving me attitude?" and his mom says it! haha it killss me!!!

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature! :)



Here's my favorite bits:

The paranoid guy in the classroom saying, "Here! But I'm not really here coz I'm so wasted man!"
Also, when how the priest eats his over-toasted bread! Just brilliant!

This movie is definitely one of my favorite comedy films, cried laughing the whole time! Ahihihi!



You seem to be obsessed with balls... Do you want to go suck some?


Mary: So what happened to your parents.
Eric: my parents were savagley ripped apart and eaten by a school of hammerhead sharks
Mary: yeah that happens a lot.


did anyone notice that Evian is Naive backwards or is it just me


"did anyone notice that Evian is Naive backwards or is it just me "

lol i noticed that too i thought i was crazy
