Favorite Quotes*****

I have lots of favorite quotes..here are some-

*Girls have a button, boys have a pole. Wicked touching takes its toll!*

*My feelings would be best expressed in a monologue from the made for tv movie Sybill starring a young miss Sally Field. Oh look at you painted up in your little halter top, you're nothing but a litle slut. I'm a Puerto Rican lady senor. You're nothing but a little slut Sybill Ann Dorsett. I'm not a slut. I'm not a slut. I'm not a slut. I ain't no slut! *

*You shut up, no you shut up. Do you want me to spank your booty? huh, you want me to spank it? I'll spank it, I'll spank it! *

*Did it ever occur to you that I am rubber and you are glue and everything you say to me bounces off of me and sticks to you. Yeah well just put that in your back pocket.***

*Sometimes when I get nervous, I put my fingers under my arms and - I SMELL 'EM LIKE THAT! *snifffff**

*I told her to move her big, white butt or I would cold-cock her honky ass.*


When Mary-Katherine's friend tries to insult Evian by saying

"Why don't you go shuck your boyfriendsh ding-a-lingsh!"




Sky: Hey Evian I made up a new dance move. It's called the "Move On With Your Life".

Evian: I did the fax machine for youuuu!

Mary Katherine: Sometimes I get low blood sugar...and it makes me a little bit shakey..sorry, sorry.

Howard Feinstein: You wanna quit looking at me fruity? I dont play butt darts okay? I loooove the ladaaays.

Evian: You said you liked the movie "Carrie", how do you like it now Mary?

Father Ritley: A pus-filled b-but blistering sinful malady that a few of you may have already come in contact with. You must resist children, resist the urge that lingers in your loins. But as the saying goes "Girls have a button and boys have a pole and wicked touching takes its toll". So you must be strong and resist for those who are weak will no doubt one day burn and fester in the swollen V.D. infested firey pits of hell but let's have some fun and meet our judges over here we have...

Father Ritley: I don't want to point the finger of blame...but..who broke the good toaster?

Sky: Now you're giving me attitude.

Mary Katherine (singing): Sometimes I wonder, where I've been, who I am, do I fit in? Dylan (Tom Green): YOU SUUUUUCK!

Father John: Thomas Smith?
Thomas: Here. But I don't like know where here is man, cuz I'm so wasted man!
Father John: Thomas! Stop pretending that you're high on drugs. It is a *sin* to even pretend that you're, you're, you're... baked.

Helen: He's to scared to *actually* take drugs.

Evian: Sky, forget that stupid ole movie I'm getting Flubber again!

Evian: Hi Mary, I like to do all I can to help a challenge. So a word of advice: I wouldn't say superstar anymore because some people might say that you super suck!
Helen: Go suck your boyfriend's ding-a-lings!
Evian: Go shave your mustache Helen!
Autumn: Or should we say Geraldo?
Evian: Gotta go jog for glaucoma, bye!

I know this isn't a line but I love it when she squishes the guts out of that banana.


owen kisses howard
howaard: are you gay?
owen: 5 times more gay then u think 4 more to go peaches
owen continues to kiss howard


no other road no other way


you've got some nice moves.....mooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeess




"Go drink a bottle of yourself!" Is a classic!

The whole movie is hilarious. My favorite part is the dance sequence in the cafeteria. I'd love to do that one day!



Such a great movie! Totally underrated. ^^

"-I want to see the world, and the world is gonna see ME!!!" *rips up her shirt*


what is the quote when they are talking about the guy that thinks everyone in school wants to have sex with him. and then he says. "what are you looking at? i like the ladies." i love that one. but i cant remember exactly what is said before that.


"Howard thinks all the girls want to sleep with him... and the boys too!"
"Why do you keep looking at me fruity? I don't play butt darts! I looooooooove the ladies".

Helen is my favorite character!!!! I love it when she says "Do you have a best friend????? Wanna be my best friend???? Or "Hey new friend, do you see that sign their putting up?" She does this weird awkward laugh right before she says it and cracks me up everytime.

"Is that all you got??? COME ON!!!!!!!!"


yes omg. thanks so much. i've been searching the internet everywhere for it and i couldn't find it. i use to have this on vhs but i dont know what happened to it. the imdb memorable quotes page is weak for superstar. it leaves out a lot of quotes.





Only the swollen, V.D. infested pits of hell are worse than Reba.
