Favorite Quotes*****

I have lots of favorite quotes..here are some-

*Girls have a button, boys have a pole. Wicked touching takes its toll!*

*My feelings would be best expressed in a monologue from the made for tv movie Sybill starring a young miss Sally Field. Oh look at you painted up in your little halter top, you're nothing but a litle slut. I'm a Puerto Rican lady senor. You're nothing but a little slut Sybill Ann Dorsett. I'm not a slut. I'm not a slut. I'm not a slut. I ain't no slut! *

*You shut up, no you shut up. Do you want me to spank your booty? huh, you want me to spank it? I'll spank it, I'll spank it! *

*Did it ever occur to you that I am rubber and you are glue and everything you say to me bounces off of me and sticks to you. Yeah well just put that in your back pocket.***

*Sometimes when I get nervous, I put my fingers under my arms and - I SMELL 'EM LIKE THAT! *snifffff**

*I told her to move her big, white butt or I would cold-cock her honky ass.*


Father Thomas: "Upon reflection I think that a combination of prayer and ritalin can eliminate her excess energy."

It was delivered so well and it was so subtle it was hilarious.


LOL My favorites are:

Ya wanna quit lookin at me fruity? I don't play butt darts ok....

Your birthmark looks like sh!t.

I did the fax machine for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are you gay?!
5 times more gay than u think,4 more to go peaches!

You should be really embarrassed cuz your parents named you after a bottle of water!

You are so dead!
Go drink a bottle of yourself!

Oh Francis! Sweet Francis please dont die!

Please god sent me someone to makeout with and tongue kiss like this....

It excites me daddy...don't ya see? I like it when the men look at me. You try to keep me trapped here in this small town like a little animal. But I am busting out daddy. Im gonna see the world and the world is gonna see me! Their gonna see all of me daddy!
