Is Aragorn Racist?

Why with WORMTONGUE Aragorn urges to stop king Theoden from killing this trator who show no mercy even to the women and children of Rohan and advice Saruman to send his warg riders to kill them and spare his life,

But in the battle of helms deep Aragorn say to the warriors about the ORCS:
"Show them no mercy... for you shall receive none!"

Do I smell RACISM in the air? Is It because they are ORCS?


You mean "speciesism" not "racism". you ignorant nitwit!

"Racism" only applies to other humans.


A girl I was dating claimed LOTR was racist against orcs and I immediately knew it was over.


I would hope that you ended that appropriately. Meaning, that you didn't take the "let her down easy" approach.

I would hope you looked at her and said, "Fuck outta here!"
