Amazing music

in this trilogy. Awesome.
In the second movie I would highlight the music of Rohan.

In this one the beginning of "Twilight and shadow" as well as the arrival of Gandalf at MinasTirith.


I LOVE the music from these films!


Any piece of music in particular?


Let me get out the soundtracks and I'll list them....

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
2.) Concerning Hobbits - Who doesn't love the sweet, idyllic music coupled with Hobbits? :)
8.) Flight to the Ford - I love this music because it's playing when Arwen is rescuing Frodo and being chased by Ringwraiths.
9.) Many Meetings - I love the music relating to the elves
10.) The Council of Elrond (featuring Aniron) - I can actually sing the "Aniron" song, it's so beautiful and sad all at once. It's from the romantic bridge scene where Arwen and Aragorn are talking.
11.) The Ring Goes South - Who doesn't love this piece? It's iconic of the entire trilogy! It gets particularly great starting at 0:47.
13.) The Bridge of Khazad Dum - Now this is epic music! I love every moment of it!

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
1.) Foundations of Stone - Incredibly epic, gotta love the battle music between Gandalf and the Balrog :D
3.) The Riders of Rohan - I love the Rohan musical theme too :D
5.) The Uruk-hai - I love the chase music from this, when Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are chasing the Uruk-hai who kidnapped Merry and Pippin.
6.) The King of the Golden Hall - I love hearing the music used when Gandalf rescues King Theoden from Saruman's grip.
8.) Evenstar - It is beautiful and sad all at once, and helped inspire some writing I was doing at the time this film came out
14.) Breath of Life - This was deep, beautiful, meaningful music where Arwen helped Aragorn stay alive from a distance through their life connection.
16.) Forth Eloringas - This piece is the crowning achievement of the second movie. I love hearing the part where Gandalf arrived at dawn on the last day of the battle, providing the aid the Rohan needed to save Helm's Deep from the Uruk-hai army.

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
3.) Minas Tirith - I love the grandeur of the music introducing us to the White City.
8.) Twilight and Shadow - This is more beautiful, sad music relating to Arwen and Aragorn's relationship.
10.) Anduril - Not the most epic, but I liked the music for when the Flame of the West is given to Aragorn.
13.) The Fields of Pelennor - More awesome battle music. I particularly like the part where Gandalf the White is leading the charge.
17.) The Return of the King - A lovely set of closure music. I can also sing Aragorn's short song.
19.) Into the West - I can sing this song from memory.
Bonus-Evening Star: Arwen's Song - This is a song you don't hear unless you watch the extended edition of "Return of the King," but it proves Liv Tyler can sing, and it's a beautiful, gentle song played when Aragorn heals Eowyn's broken arm after the big battle is over.


What a list!!
It is a very nice selection.
I had not heard the "Arwen's Song " until now. Thank you very much for the link.
If I had to choose some of them I would select as above commented:
-Minas Tirith. Really epic music.
- The Riders of Rohan. Just brilliant. My daughter is learning to play it on the piano🎼.
- Twilight and Shadow. Specially the beginning is really spectacular.

Always speaking on a very high level.


Thank you!! :D


I agree. I think that Fellowship is my favourite of the three, but just. My city's symphony has performed all three on separate occasions and it's amazing to hear them live.


The Fellowship Theme is very affecting and grand, the haunting opening strains of music are melancholic and filled with foreboding, and outside of the score itself, May It Be is pure beauty as melody.

Yes, I agree that the music of the trilogy is as suitably epic as one could hope.
