“Bond was unarmed”

Why the hell would he be? He’s on a mission! Heck someone like James Bond probably carries his gun everywhere even when he’s off duty.

That line makes no sense


Sounds like a plot hole


You might actually be close to a rational thought in this instance.


Actually there is no plot hole and again you are a confused person. The one who was unarmed was Elektra King when Bond shot and killed her. How many times now have I been correcting you on these boards?


That's not the scene I was referring to. This is the scene I was referring to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUqbpelASp8 He says "Bond was unarmed" at the 1:00 mark. And in this scene they are referring to this ski chase:


During said ski chase Bond was already on a mission and it's idiotic that anyone would even entertain the idea that he wouldn't have a gun.


Bond left his gun in the helicopter by mistake when they jumped out. It was in a deleted scene. No need to look for plot holes in these movies. Thats my job


Please post evidence of this deleted scene. Also a guy like Bond wouldn’t leave his gun in a helicopter, he’d have it holstered just like everyone who carries a gun does.


How can I post evidence if the scene is deleted?


If that’s the case then I have no reason to believe such scene exists and therefore my point stands.

Also there are plenty of Deleted Bond scenes on YouTube or you could find an article where the producers are quoted as saying such a scene exists much like how there is evidence that a scene was filmed where Plenty OToole snuck back into Bonds penthouse and figured out Tiffany’s address


Your point has no standing. And it would not be a plot hole anyway. Just because a character does something dumb and or error in judgement, does not mean its a plot hole. How many times have we gone over this?


I never said it was a plot hole, numb nuts. I said it was illogical.


yes but let's be real.. the entire movie does no make sense.


Yeah like how M clearly tells Bond his mission is to “find who switched that pen” then she chews him out for “leaving that girl alone” and “disobeying a direct order” yet she never ordered him to not leave Elektra. Bond was doing exactly what she told him to.
