MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > What was the worst season?

What was the worst season?

They are all great, but if I had to pick probably 4. I just remember the story dragging at a couple points.


you must be kidding. season 4 was great

season 1 has bad writing. i dont think its even subjective at this point. season 1 has laughable writing.


I agree season 1 is the weakest. Can you give some examples of the poor writing in season 1 apart from A Hit Is a Hit and Boca which were silly episodes.


The entire series is inferior to The Soporonos


I thought 4 was great too, once you got past the first four episodes.
I'd say season 5 - until this point, the actors had all been relative unknowns, but for 5 they bring in Frank Vincent and Steve Buscemi - great actors but already well known for other things and it just kind of took me out of the show a little and took away some of the escapism. Also didn't like a lot of the storylines.
Unlike the other responders, I thought season one was great and I could also make a point that season 2 suffers early on from having to undo the end of the first series (contriving to get Dr Melfi to let Tony return as a patient, Uncle Junior getting out of prison so quickly, etc). Then again season 5 suffers from the same because the whole story of Tony and Carmela getting back together drags like crazy.
Season 3 was arguably a rehash of season 2 in parts, with Jackie Jr (& his friend Dino maybe?) replacing Matt & Sean, & Ralphie replacing Richie Aprile (even to the point of dating Janice!)
If you consider the two parts of Season 6 to be separate (as I do), I'd say the "final 9" were very hit and miss. But when it hit it was still great.

Short answer, season 5 was the worst.


How would you rank 6A?


once you get past the coma episodes, I really liked it. The soap opera with Vito, AJ's continuing deterioration until Tony, without Carmela around to talk him out of it, gets him the job on the building site, and "The Ride" is one of my favourite episodes of the show. Also the faux-happy-ending until the grim reality of 6B sets in.
