MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > Morpheus' explanations make no sense

Morpheus' explanations make no sense

I must have hit a nerve with someone and made them realize something doesn't make sense, for them to have to write a sh1tpost about me... I guess I must have done something right.

In any case..

couple of points about this exposition-speech he gives to Neo..

1) 'Neural-Interactive Simulation'? Is this Lawrence messing up and not understanding what he's saying.. AGAIN?

(The first part was the 'mental projection of your digital self', which ONLY makes sense with the important words swapped, which results in 'digital projection of your mental self'. Think about it, which makes more sense; that your MENTAL projection somehow manifests digitally, or that the projection is DIGITAL?)

Think about it as "Interactive Neural Simulation". Wouldn't this make more sense immediately? The simulation (and neural stimulation) is INTERACTIVE, although it could be non-interactive (THOUGH, why would it have to be interactive for BATTERIES?!)..

What the heck is 'neural-interactive'? Makes no sense. Interactive neural simulation would make 100% sense immediately.

2) '...that WE call The Matrix.' (Emphasis mine)

I am thinking of a situation, where two sides of a war call things different names. The Naazees might call some factory a 'Glorious Fatherland Production Facility', but the Allies simply call it a 'Sauerkraut Factory'. Same thing, but different names. Happens all the time, different tribes call the same, universal thing different names. So if you talk with Hindus, they might say 'That we call the Jehovah'.

I hope no one gets offended by my joke - IT WAS A JOKE.

Now, if EVERYONE calls something the same thing, suddenly it makes no sense to say ".. that WE call [something]".

Let's take computers for example. Different languages have their own words for it, but basically you could say that everyone calls computers computers. There are of course variations, like laptops, tablets, rectangular mobile monoliths, but we'll keep it simple.

Would it make ANY sense to tell someone "..that we call 'computers'"?

That implies that there are SOME people that call them something else, and our tiny, quirky group has just decided to christen or nickname them 'computers'.

In a world - nay, in a Universe, where EVERY SINGLE TALKING ENTITY calls The Matrix 'The Matrix', it makes absolutely NO SENSE to say '..that WE call The Matrix'., as if it wasn't its OFFICIAL NAME, as if the machines DIDN'T call it 'The Matrix', and so on.

The machines created The Matrix, named it The Matrix, call it 'The Matrix' every time they reference it, the humanity inside and outside 'The Matrix' call it 'The Matrix', and the whole movie does NOT represent ANY other, any alternative name for 'The Matrix'.

Why the FRGH would Morpheus phrase this SO oddly? Why would he say '.. that we call 'The Matrix', creating a deep implication that at least SOME people, probably the machines, call it something else?

WHY!? It makes no sense!


You are off your rocker. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


This is one of the most useful movie quotes on the internet.


I'm glad you liked it, and I agree. I wish my memory was perfect, as in i could recall it word for word on the spot, I'd definitely blast some folks in the real word with it. But alas, copy and paste I shall for now.


I actually used on this very site, just a few short days ago. 😂😂


Nice. I tried to read the response to which you were replying and gave up. So I can neither agree or disagree with you. But I no doubt respect a Billy Madison refo in the wild.
