MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > the humans destroying the matrix. instan...

the humans destroying the matrix. instant starvation for billions

clearly the AI that runs it is extremely complex. collecting nutrients, an advanced breeding program and the bots it needs for constant maintenance and monitoring.

Zion only houses 250k and is the "last human city". so where these people gunna go?? it'd lead to instance death for 99.999% of the worlds population. even 10k extra people joining Zion would likely be hard on their resources.




Yeah, it's true, there's no way the free human can rehabilitate or support more than a handful of the battery humans. So victory would have meant that the battery people would wake up, find themselves trapped in coffins and unable to move, and spend a few days dying horribly of dehydration with full awareness that they were trapped and doomed.

Some movies it doesn't pay to think through.


No, it's not true.

"..there's no way the free human can rehabilitate or support more than a handful of the battery humans."

Why not?

They are not 'battery humans', they are just 'humans'. Once they have been trained on the matrix side to know what to expect (mass media exists in 1999, so people could be told via televisions and constant transmissions, even 'signals directly into their brain' and so on, to mentally prepare and psychologically understand the situation and how it's all going to be good, so when it happens, they will know they will be rescued, they just have to wait a bit, and so on..).

They don't need 'rehabilitation', they just need the truth. Sure, the 'mind has trouble letting go', BUT if it's happening to everyone on mass scale, it's just a matter of waiting your turn and becoming free, and I think it's easier then. Perhaps it's a bit like Amish elders still missing driving their car during Rumspringa.. but they'll get over it.

The ethical dilemma is; would people be HAPPIER living in blissful ignorance in The Matrix, or would they actually find better life outside of it? We have to remember that it would be like you losing everything you have worked for, and everything you own and have ever owned, and possibly even people you have known. You'd have to start a whole new life from scratch in a pretty gloomy and scary world.

However, perhaps there are plans to restore the sunlight after the machines are conquered, and slowly return the planet to its former glory and pollution levels.

Victory definitely wouldn't mean that people (not 'BATTERY people' - humans are only batteries from the machines' perspective, for us, they're just 'humans') would wake up. The 'waking' would be done in phases, in manageable groups, until everyone is free.

You have to remember that the speed grows exponentially; you free 10 people, train them, then they free 20 people, train them, then those 30 people free 60 people, then those 120 people free 240 people..


"Some movies it doesn't pay to think through. "

What a weird, oddly phrased statement. It doesn't pay to think through some movies? It might, if you were a screenwriter for movies.. and if you are seeking a fun discussion about a movie. Usually people here think about movies more than their makers ever did.

So yeah, it does pay.. if you think otherwise, why are you here?

By the way, did you even WATCh the movie? You seem to think they would 'find themselves trapped'. Was Neo TRAPPED? No, he was completely free to move. Was it a COFFIN? No, it was a pod, from which he could even look down from, not to mention every single direction around him as well. Trapped? WHAT?

Unable to move? HUH?!

Which movie did you watch? Neo moves QUITE A LOT _RIGHT_ after he wakes up, even though his muscles are not supposedly capable of much movement. Where do you get this 'unable to move' crap? Sorry, but honestly, where?

Why would they have 'full awareness' of anything, unless they have been told about things? If they have been told about things, they belong to a group that's going to be rescued soon. Why would they be doomed or dehydrated? The tubes are still connected, feeding them food and drink, keeping their body in a good shape and properly hydrated. They could lay there for decades without any problems.

Why would they be awakened if there's no rescue planned for them? Maybe you shouldn't talk about 'thinking through', when you can't even think your own posts through..

"Trapped", "coffins", "unable to move", "dehydration" - there's _NO_ reason for ANY of that, this movie CLEARLY shows none of that is true, and using a word like COFFING for an OPEN POD is so misleading, I have to conclude you are doing this deliberately for a dramatic effect because you KNOW your statements and claims are the ones being dehydrated - as they clearly do not hold water.


I think you missed the part where they told him that the reason he can't use his muscles is that he's never used them. As in he has literally spent his whole live in a jar, grown up in a jar, reached the age of 30-odd in a jar, without ever using his muscles. Now in real life that would mean his muscles and tendons would have contracted permanently before atrophying, his joints would have become too stiff to ever move, and his skeleton would have deformed as he grew, in real life it would be impossible for a person who's gone from infancy to adulthood without moving to ever become mobile.

His rescue in the movie was not realistic, in the movie they showed him as being unable to move, but as having normal adult male muscular growth, skeletal growth, and loose joints - and he was fit and fine after a brief period of physical therapy. But even if we decide to believe the movie's unrealistic version of post-jar rehabilitation as fact, the Zioners couldn't put millions of freed people through that period of rehabilitation - there's only a few thousand of them as opposed to millions or billions of human batteries!

And of course, they couldn't have fed millions or billions, and they didn't have any means to reach battery complexes on other continents. So really, in both a realistic scenario and according to the internal logic of the movies, the vast majority of humans would die after the Zioners won. If the writers ever thought that through they definitely didn't include that bit of ugliness in the script, so that just leaves *you* as definitely not having thought it through.


ive never seen anyone be as confidently wrong as Avortac


"collecting nutrients"?

Where do you get THAT? They don't collect any nutrients, that is never mentioned in the movie. They simply feed the dead to the living. Of course this would be problematic and not sustainable in real life, but that's not my fault.

How do you know how many people Zion 'houses' (HOUSES?? Have you seen houses in this movie that doesn't even show Zion to us, and where do you get that number that is ALSO not mentioned in the movie?)?

Tank clearly states that if the war was over tomorrow, that's where the party would be, indicating that there's enough room for everyone.

Also, The Matrix would not have to be destroyed in an INSTANT, it could be destroyed AFTER all the infrastructure is in place to accommodate people, then in small groups, people could be awakened. Of course a long and arduous process, but your statements are way too bleak, there's NO reason why this kind of thing couldn't be well-planned and organized. They have hovercrafts, they can build things, there's plenty of food for everyone, and even if the A.I. is destroyed and the war ends, it doesn't mean the whole system would instantly be destroyed, you'd have to be MAD to think that's how they planned or even foresaw it.

The Matrix isn't even the physical stuff, it's the simulation. Just because the simulation is shut down, doesn't mean people couldn't still sleep and be fed by the automated system just like before, they don't have to know they are in PODS (NOT COFFINS, for crying out loud), until they are ready.

Also, the people are of course TOLD the truth about the reality, and that their actual bodies lie in pods, so they should be mentally prepared for it. There would be hovercrafts waiting for everyone that's awakened, instead of that spider robot, and so on. Do I have to spell out everything?


you are too close to this personally... personally outraged over nothing. but ive never seen someone so confident in their stupidity.

1. im not sure what i meant by the nutrient claim specifically. it was a month ago

2. the population of Zion is 250k. you do know houses means how many it can shelter right, not how many literal houses it has. you wouldn't be that fucking stupid to know even know what the term houses means right............................... right...........? I got it from the matrix wiki

3. No.. thats not what tank is saying.......... hes introducing Neo to Zion, telling him its the place where all those freed or born not into the matrix live. hes saying its their home base and according to the wiki its the last major human settlement (see my comment above about confidence in your utter stupidity)

4. where did you determine that? what will ensure that? the AI is going to play ball and do everything it can to make sure theres a stable transition from its control to the Humans controlling the AI infrastructure that keeps the matrix stable. ie the breeding program, IE the liquidation of the dead and nutrition to the living? you invented all that in your head. you'd HAVE TO BE MAD to think the matrix would transition like some sort of democratic election.

5. explain that one... the feeding tube is jammed down their throats, they wakeup confused. they are in these "pods" and just going to lay there in the gel sitting there for weeks and week and weeks. again why would the AI keep playing ball? feeding the humans out of kindness?

you sound like an utter idiot man. you really should have though

"There would be hovercrafts waiting for everyone that's awakened,"

again Zion has 250k people. and maybe a dozen hovercrafts. you wanna do the math on rescuing 7.8 billion humans? is simple math hard? DO I HAVE TO SPELL EVERYTHING OUT?

I cant believe you wrote this thinking "nailed it". ive never seen someone faceplate so bad


I don't think you have any clue about logistics. OP is on point, and you are just being a fanciful daydreamer.
