MovieChat Forums > Rushmore (1999) Discussion > Most Underrated Funny Line in the Movie

Most Underrated Funny Line in the Movie

I watched this movie in a film class and found one line particularly hysterical, but found no one else seemed to be laughing. At the play reception, Ms. Cross goes up to Luke Wilson's character and says "I didn't expect to see you here, did Max send you an invitation?" and he replies "Yeah, and he told me to wear a tie."

It gets me just thinking about it.


"She's sweet, but she's fuc!ed up." - Bill Murray looking like crap, smoking two cigarettes, drinking liquor out of a diet coke can...all while riding a hospital elevator.



"I'll take punctuality."


"I'll take punctuality."
by - msb54523 on Sat Nov 8 2008 22:21:30

HAH HA ha ha. Funny line (he got there first) and bittersweet.

Bil Murray finds comedy gold in his beleagured characters small humiliating moments... just amazing.

I also like the aquarium discussion!

Herman: How much will you need?
Max: 250,000 to start
Herman: I can give you $5,000
Max: OK

(That's paraphrased)




For me it was when a notice is posted in the hallway announcing that thanks to Max Fisher, Latin will re-added to the curriculum. Some kid curses Max in Latin, and Max with an unsuspecting tone says" is that Latin?".



Peter: They're O.R scrubs
Max: Oh...Are...they


This movie is nothing but hilarious and subtle lines, but my favorite is what Max responds with after his dad says "You're like a clipper ship captain, you're married to the sea."

Max says: "Yes, but I've been out to see for a long time."

The camera angle, the way he pauses with the door open, and Jason Schwartzman's dead pan delivery just make it hilarious to me. I've talked about it with other people before, but it is never anyone else's favorite line. Am I the only one that loves it?


Max: What do you call getting a handjob from Mrs. Calloway in the back of her Jaguar?
Magnus: A *beep* lie.

I love Magnus' response I died laughing and I still do when I watch it.


maybe not my favorite line, but yes one of my favorites. I actually like Max's Dad's setup of the joke more... it's so perfectly in character. The images in this sequence are equally funny and sad. The walk they take home together. The thermos (i think?). The Dad's hat. The fact that over the fence is his mother's gravesite. Then they watch TV in black and white. This is really one of the most beautiful sequences in the film.


"I'm gonna put a cap in his ass."


I always laugh when Herman gets into his car and Max is waiting for him and just says "How was she Herman?"
He thinks he's so badass, it just kills me

You cut 'em or you pay 'em, but you keep yer receipts, cos this ain't the fackin' Mafia.


blume trying to be inconspicuous behind the tree is hilarious



I laughed out loud when Murray yelled "Unlock it", it just came out of nowhere.

I am Jack's smirking revenge


Look, I may not be rich, Mr. Blume, my father may only be a doctor, but we manage.



"These are OR scrubs!"
"Oh ARE they?"

How come no-one's mentioned this? I just cried with laughter at my desk thinking about it and I haven't seen Rushmore for over a year.

For me, that was the only funny line in the whole film. f=url


My personal favorite.
"Ni*ga you the crazy one!"
that spanish kid when they are rehearsing Max's play.


I love when Max apologizes to the waiter in the restaurant

and the fact that he doesn't even trust his own father's hair cutting abilities

"can I see the back please?"

and my favorite

"look I may not be rich Mr. Blume, my father may only be a doctor, but we manage"


for me its the bit when bill murray is talking onda fone to max and theres kids playing basketball and he runs up and blocks one of there shots....hilarious

jump the cheeseburger


Why dont ya just piss off, Fischer? Ya dotty wee skid mark!

And after Bill Murray talks to Miss Cross when the kids are painting. When he leaves, he starts to walk away then sprints away.


Its not a line but I just like the fact that Ms. Cross gives Max the wine glass at the Heaven and Hell party


After Fischer shoots Magnus in the ear with the BB gun (Scottish accent): "Fascher you f#ck!"

When Guggenheim runs out onto the field where Max's crew is cutting down trees to make way for the first aquarium: "Tell me this isn't happening!" Cut to Max in Guggenheim's office crying. So sad but so awesomely hilarious!


"Yeah I was in the s#it."

Miss Cross: "Oh my God, is that blood?"
Max: (cups his ear toward her) "What?"

Dirk Calloway as the nun in Serpico.

The rehearsal for Max's gangbanger play at the public school: "Kiss me, little one."

The "worst student we've got" montage of Max's extracurricular activities. CLASSIC.

Matter of fact, this whole movie start to finish is maximum win. Every word, every gesture, every scene. Just perfect. :)


No one's mention this beaut from Dirk, when he's talking about the handjobs etc

"Who sold you that crock?"


I'm with you bps, this movie is perfect. Perfectly written, perfectly scored, perfectly cast, perfectly shot.

"do you want a carrot?"
"yeah, I'll have one of those."

There is considerable depth in so many of these benign lines...


Too lazy to read everyone's, but my favorite is:

"Mr. Blume, where you in Vietnam?"
"Where you in the *beep*

Approximate number of movies I've seen in the theater: 81.


"What can I do for you?" - repeated by all the main characters.

"... And is that all you are prepared to spend?" Max to Herman Blume.

"... I've got to go this way, see you later, Mrs. Yang." Max blowing off his new classmate's friendliness.

"It's all right, as a matter of fact it's a gas."


"Best play eva, man."

You're so soft, you make me hard
I'll put you on a movie, don't you wanna?


Here's one that hasn't been mentioned:

When Max is telling the audience what to expect with his Vietnam play and he says, "there are safety goggles and earplugs under your seats." And then you hear the security guard say, "he's gonna burn this place down." That just kills me every time.

When Max is happy that the school will let him use dynamite and he says how they wouldn't let him use it at Rushmore because of an incident in one of his plays where a student lost a finger.

The whole rudeness of Max apologizing to the waiter for Peter's unexpected arrival.

When Max is introduced as the new kid at school and he insists on making a speech before the class--I can't imagine any new kid ever doing that.

Every scene with Dirk is just great!

"She's my Rushmore"--I use that line frequently in life.

When Max not only brings sandwiches to the meeting with Mrs. Blume, but one of those pint sized containers of milk. I love how they have the kids getting involved in adult situations but still acting like kids.

The whole movie is just classic from start to finish.

