Kamino - not on the maps

Without doubt one of the stupidest, most arbitrary and illogical things in the prequels. And that's saying something.

Why isn't it on the maps? So people wouldn't know about the best cloners in the galaxy? So that people who know about it couldn't find out how to get there (if they hadn't been there before I guess). Because people would have no use for it or reason to go there unless they happened to find it on a map?

If it's not on the maps and kept a secret from everyone, how do they do business? Surely the Republic (they think) isn't their only customer. Because if they were then there would be plenty of correspondence between the cloners and their customers. "Dear Republic. Clones progressing fine. Not had any visitors in years though. I wonder if we're still on the maps."

But Dex, Dax, "American" diner fellow has heard of Kamino. Surely he's not the only one. So it's not even a secret.

Ok then. Maybe Kamino isn't in the Republic so people in the Republic don't care and wouldn't notice if it wasn't on the maps. But they're big enough to supply the GALACTIC REPUBLIC with a grand army. And they're outside the republic? Who else are they supplying so many clones to (since they have the capacity already)?

This "they're not on the maps" nonsense is just idle intrigue that Lucas added to make the mystery seem clever. But given all the stuff I've mentioned, the Jedi should have been thinking, there's something seriously unreliable about all this BEFORE they even laid eyes on the clone army that they just accept as a means to an end without any further scrutiny. It's like Lucas telling the Jedi that this is dodgy more than it's telling the audience. And it makes the Jedi appear considerably less intelligent than the below average audience member.

Utter garbage.


It’s not that far-fetched. Dooku and Palpatine had been working together for a while by the time Attack of the Clones started, and neither of them wanted the Jedi or the Republic to find out about a shady cloning facility until it was too late. Dooku was a renowned Jedi master and therefore had access to the Jedi archives.

As for why Obi-Wan didn’t bother checking other libraries as others have suggested, I agree, that was sloppy writing. Lucas could’ve easily covered that by explaining that Dooku wiped the records from a bunch of places. He can use force-suggestion, and there aren’t a lot of species that are naturally resistant to the force.

As for why the Jedi seemed incompetent, it was explained that their ability to use the force isn’t as strong as it used to be, Palpatine was clouding their vision. On top of that, times of peace had made the Jedi complacent, maybe even arrogant, and therefore weren’t doing their job as well as they should have. That’s one reason why Dooku left them and why Qui-Gon was starting to have a falling out with them.


It's incompetent for anyone. Not just Jedi.

It makes no sense to ensure that nobody stumbles across a plan to produce clone armies too prematurely by just erasing the cloners' location on ONE MAP.

It is supposedly a time of civil unrest in which the Jedi are struggling to maintain order around the Republic. The Senate is worrying about the Separatists and the possibility they will want to wage war. Senators are the target of assassination attempts which is how Obi Wan discovered that a bounty hunter using a Kaminoan dart was the culprit. This is not a time of complacency.

It's just poor writing. It's a little bit of intrigue that makes the villain seem ingenuous but it just makes the guardians of peace and justice out to be amateurs with no guile or intelligence at all.


yes you are corrects. kamino seem to be industrial hub of universe but is 'hidden'?

lucas spend 2 weeks on script and 2 years on cgi. thats why prequel so crap. if lucas hire someone to rewrite prequel script (like he should) then they change everything and lucas ego can not handle this truth.

prequel are what happen when ego is not challenge. originals is what happen when ego is challenge.


This is but one of the many Grand Canyon sized plot holes in the prequels.


Kamino might be my name..... I'm a character in the Universe who is not being registered in it. Does it mean I own the Universe? That would be good.
