Funniest Lines

This is deffinatly one of the funniest Disney movies ever, if not the funniest! and it has some of the funniest lines EVER! these r sum of my favs!

Yzma: Looking for this?
Kuzko: no, that's impossible how did you get here before us?
Yzma: did we Kronk?
Kronk: Well, you got me by all acount it doesn't make sense!

Yzma: Is there anything on this menu that is not swimming in gravy?

Yzma: It is no concern of mine if ur family has, wat was it agen...?
Peasant: Uh, food.
Yzma: HA, you rele shud hav thought of that before you became peasents!


Most of my favorites have already been mentioned, but for some reason I find myself quoting this one quite often....

Yzma/Kuzko: On second thought, make my potatoes a salad!


"He's going to lead you down the path to righteousness. I'm here to lead you down the path that rocks"


The whole Meat Mug sequence is great.

Kuzco (as a llama, disguised as a woman): "Cheese, me no likeeeey!"

Kuzco (as a llama, disguised as a woman): "...and an onion log.... (remembering he's supposed to be a woman) to split (titters femininely)."

I love the third noise Kronk makes as Yzma descends from her taxi/cabana stepping on his hand. It's a high pitched pain cry.

Yzma: "I bet you weren't expecting THIS!"
(lifts her skirt to reveal a dagger)
Llama/Emperor "Gasp... whimper... (relieved she's not exposing herself) Oh OK!"


Kuzco thinking while looking at Yzma,," Whoa , look at these wrinkles , what is holding this woman together?"
What the, how long has that been there" Noticing she has some green stuff stuck between her teeth lol.


What the, how long has that been there??
LOVE that part!

and the whole going over the waterfall scene and last but not least, the 'big fat guy' Line

Ahh, so many laughs, I love this movie

Let's face it, after Monday and Tuesday, even my calendar says W-T-F


( After the eulogy) Well, he ain't gettin any deader. Back to work!


Yzma: Take it, Kronk. Ohoho, FEEL the power.
Kronk: Oh...I can feel it.


Id say one of my favorite lines was near the end when Yzma is falling from the top of the palace (In cat form) and at the bottom the guard is having a conversation with the trampoline salesman.

Guard: For the last time, we did not order a giant trampoline!
Salesman: Well pal you could of told me that before I set it up.

Never argue with an idiot, they'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Any line Yzma utters.

"Why would anyone steal a doorknob?"
"There are some nice doorknobs."


Kuzco at the beginning when he's presented with a row of women: Let me guess... you have a great personality.

Pacha: We're on our honeymoon.
Waitress: Bless you for coming out in public.


anything yzma and kronk says. but kuzco's 'llama faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!' cracks me up every time


Favorite part is when Pacha is building a fire and Kuzco throws a rock at him.
Kuzco looks around like nothing happened 'Huh? What? I didn't do nothin'... Somebody's throwing things... You gonna build a fire, or what? What's going on?'

Kuzco - 'I'm an ugly, stinky llama! WAAHHH! Llama face!!'




The funniest part to me is when Kuzco chucks an acorn at Pacha.
And he mumbles..."What? I dunno... someone's throwing stuff."
