I prefer Fury

I did see Fury before this one and think is it better than SPR.

My biggest complains with this movie:

- Intro and outro at the grave.. just no.. Don't show all the disgusting things over there and then cry at a grave and show the American flag. Just keep it real. Start with the battlefields and end it there.
-No real connection with the group, only with Hanks.
-Too much cheesy parts.
-I don't like Matt Damon.
-The scared guy at the end who didn't do anything.
-Hanks should not die.

Fury is more pro America and may'be a little more obvious, but it still gives a great visual of the fights in Europe. Besides that Fury is more focussed on the group.

Pitt in Fury and Hanks in SPR are equally good.

SPR just has so much more cheesy moments with a lot of characters we don't really know. Fury had cheesy moments, but the characters were introduced so much better, so I actually cared.

If Hanks didn't die, the scared guy realized he needed to act and killed the Germans and saved his brothers, a lot of cheesy moments were cut out and the intro and outro were skipped. This would have been amazing.

1+1 = you really had to check?





I don't really get your complaints about the intro and outro, but I do agree that I liked Fury more. I just didn't care about anything in this film. Well made, but why am I watching? And for 3 hours?


Well about the intro/outro. I kinda made the mistake to think that it was Hanks his character at the grave. It just bugs me it was Matt Damon's character.

I agree with you, there was no big connection. The cinematography was great and Hanks is entertaining, but the movie itself didn't have a lot to hold on to.

1+1 = you really had to check?


I prefer "The Shawshank Redemption."

..*.. TxMike ..*..


Fury was your typical yank gung ho *beep* with minimal character development and that third rate actor pitt to boot. Not a patch on spr


Agree! Fury is way inferior


- Intro and outro at the grave.. just no.. Don't show all the disgusting things over there and then cry at a grave and show the American flag. Just keep it real.

Wholly agree with that part. Walt Disney-esque sappiness... doesn't belong. Just grates my nerves somehow.

Ignorance is bliss... 'til it posts on the Internet, then, it's annoying.


I didn't like Fury because all the characters seemed to have walked out of an Ayer's gangland film. Still, a lot of people who have had direct or indirect experience of Iraq/Afghanistan seem to find SPR too cheesy and prefer Fury.


Fury was basically an American hero type movie. where 5 guys kill 200+ germans.. so unrealistic.


I watched Fury once and that was enough..


Yeah, same here.. the ending basically turned this movie into your gung ho hero type movie.. 5 guys kill 200+ Germans... so unrealistic.!


That Fury ending seems to have loosely been based on a real life incident from Vietnam where Dwight H Johnson in a crippled tank held off an entire VC battalion basically solo... And survived.

Check out his medal of honour citation, it's basically the final Fury battle:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Specialist 5 Johnson, a tank driver with Company B, was a member of a reaction force moving to aid other elements of his platoon, which was in heavy contact with a battalion size North Vietnamese force. Specialist Johnson's tank, upon reaching the point of contact, threw a track and became immobilized. Realizing that he could do no more as a driver, he climbed out of the vehicle, armed only with a .45 caliber pistol. Despite intense hostile fire, Specialist Johnson killed several enemy soldiers before he had expended his ammunition. Returning to his tank through a heavy volume of antitank rocket, small arms and automatic weapons fire, he obtained a sub-machine gun with which to continue his fight against the advancing enemy. Armed with this weapon, Specialist Johnson again braved deadly enemy fire to return to the center of the ambush site where he courageously eliminated more of the determined foe. Engaged in extremely close combat when the last of his ammunition was expended, he killed an enemy soldier with the stock end of his submachine gun. Now weaponless, Specialist Johnson ignored the enemy fire around him, climbed into his platoon sergeant's tank, extricated a wounded crewmember and carried him to an armored personnel carrier. He then returned to the same tank and assisted in firing the main gun until it jammed. In a magnificent display of courage, Specialist Johnson exited the tank and again armed only with a .45 caliber pistol, he engaged several North Vietnamese troops in close proximity to the vehicle. Fighting his way through devastating fire and remounting his own immobilized tank, he


That was an interesting read, but don't leave us hanging!


You forget, the Vietnam war as all about numbers.. and over exageration... 90% of documentaries will confirm this.... when the americans were getting their ass's kicked in Vietnam.. the numbers game started.. so if they killed 5 Viet congs and 5 civilians.. they're was like 20 kills to boost moral up, but when there were 20 American soldiers killed... there were only 3 killed for news to make sure the american public didn't lose fate..! The REAL truth didn't show up until 20 yrs. later when over 57 000 americans were killed.. and even then.. that number is low...
Most wars are made to look as if there were heroes. Who wants to read where 400 americans were killed in an ambush...etc... (example.!)


Lose fate?
