You will unite or you will fall

I have read the books and seen the movies, and there is something that bothers me. This whole situation is an existential threat to all races of Middle Earth. Elrond says it exactly: 'You will unite, or you will fall.' Yet, for example, when the Fellowship arrives and leaves Lothlorien, they are offered no help at all. Everybody thinks the nine (8) individuals (4 of which are just hobbits) will somehow make it happen, and if not, well, bad luck for everybody. Why isn't there a big party of the best warriors to support them?


Because they were trying (and failing most of the time tbf) to keep their movements discreet, traipsing around with an army would have brought more attention than they wanted


On top of what has already been mentioned about wanting to lay low and not attract too much attention with a big army, I guess there's also the aspect of the Ring corrupting those around them and not wanting to risk an increase in these chances with more people, particularly warrior types who were less in the know, who could cause more problems if corrupted. Elrond knew first hand the dangers of the Ring's corrupting power. The Fellowship were seen as the right candidates to undertake the mission, in terms of size, trustworthiness and ability.


Why didn`t Elrond join the followship if he knows and tells the fate of Middlearth is at stake? He is not a "good" charachter then, if he knows and tells everybody how important it is and what has to be done, but then like "Its your problem now, I am getting the fuck out of here".


He had a kingdom to run and elves to shepherd off to the Grey Havens.
