MovieChat Forums > Godzilla (1998) Discussion > French Guys + Coffee

French Guys + Coffee

Can somebody explain the deal with the French guys never being satisfied with any of the coffee they had in the movie? Seriously, is this some weird stereotype that I've never heard of before? Or was it done in jest? Or maybe an homage to something else?

I just saw a rerun of this movie today & it reminded me that I was curious about it back when the movie was first released.

Anyone have an answer to the coffee/frenchman thing?


The only hot drink I take is hot chocolate, so I can't talk much about the coffee tastes myself. However, these very scenes in the movie reminded me of our trip in the U.S. in summer 2013, which my mother complained about the coffee tastes in every café / hotel / city we went for 5 full weeks!! 😛

To me, Jean Reno is the best part in the film though.



I always saw these scenes (and the general "French military saves the day" theme) as Emmerich and Devlin's response to critics who complained of overinflated patriotism/jingoism in Independence Day.


I am American and I hate coffee. Then again I have been told by my doctor not to drink it since having had my colon and most of my large intestine removed back in 2014. Never could stand drinking it without a ton of sugar and creme in it. And at that point might as well have hot chocolate.


That isn't a stereotype. People in Europe love good, strong, rich coffee, and American coffee by comparison is considered "weak," and probably is in terms of caffeine content. On the flip side, I have heard Americans going to Europe and complaining the coffee is so strong that just one drop can keep them going all day, hehe.
