MovieChat Forums > Blade (1998) Discussion > Who saw this in cinemas back in 98?

Who saw this in cinemas back in 98?

Who saw this back in the day? What were your memories - the anticipation of seeing it in the weeks/days before, the actually seeing it and how much a big deal was it where you were back then, the crowds, audience etc and after coming out of the cinema what were your thoughts and in the days/weeks that followed...


Saw it with a buddy when it first opened. I remember being surprised by how good it was, and regarding audience responses, I remember only one thing that stood out: when Blade yelled at the cops for shooting him ("MF, are you out of your damn mind?") and the cops ran off, the audience erupted in laughter.


I remember being skeptical at first. Comic book films were only occasionally good during the height of Burton's Batman success. Actually, Batman was as good as it got for nearly a decade of sh!tty comic book films. Batman & Robin left a huge void, and this had to follow up that travesty. Faith in CBM's were at an all time low. I actually first remember seeing footage of this on a martial arts convention show on some random cable channel. It certainly piqued my interest.

Cut to the first day of release. The first action sequence put all doubts to rest. The visceral nature of it all and the crowd's reaction was off the charts. Marvel is too safe and self aware to produce a film as great as this anymore, and you may as well apply that to most filmmakers these days (DC or Marvel). This film ushered in a new generation, because of how unique it was at the time. The whole thing felt utterly fresh despite what some reviews suggest. The vibe will never be recaptured unless the studio allow some unknown to go completely nuts with the IP.

Action Hero's Anthem


I saw it as part of a double feature with part 2 when the sequel was released. I had seen it before on VHS (and DVD I think?), but I wasn't old enough for cinema. The movies are rated 18 here in Germany.


I saw this at this 1 ghetto theatre on the South Side of Chicago. But everyone there enjoyed the movie, big time.

What made my night more interesting ? I had a blind date, she liked me...and well I didn't like back as much. So when action parts came, she'd try to grab my arm and I pulled away, knowing she wanted more (poor me)

After that, 1 of my buddies went to the city and got his hands on a hot cop of this movie. Honestly the cover of the hot cop was way better artwork then the actual release. I watched that tape, tons of times until Video Update released it on VHS. At that moment I had 2 stereo hi-fi VCRs and did what I had to do.

Then I went to another slightly ghetto theatre to check out Blade 2. Luckily my friend knew the staff at the theatre so yes it was kind of them, to let me in. Like he said = Oh you didn't think, I forgot about you ??? So yeah I got the hot cop of this but the soundtrack wasn't as good as thee 1st.

Blade Trinity......I'm glad I didn't rent from the Mom-Pop store; when they offered it to be rented early to customers. But that movie was 500% about Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds. Ok and not that great.

So yes Blade left memories.



I saw it in theatres at the beginning of my junior year in high school.


I did, with my mother. I was 23. Hard to believe it was 18 years ago. I still like it and watch it occasionally.


I saw it three times in the theater. I liked me some Blade! Still do!


shame these reminiscing seeing in cinema threads will soon be no more 😖


Yea, IMDb gone before Blade's 20th anniversary. Still waiting on better release of the original modern comic book film!

What do you say, you dumb bitch?


I had to be 12 or something. Don't remember much except liking the movie. Later on my dad bought it on dvd which I thought was cool


I saw it in a theater and loved it. Snipes was such a total badass that I actually felt bad for the vampires.
