Pretty sadly bad..

Surprised to see that some people actually really like this movie! To each their own but for myself the few scenes with Joely Richardson were the only redeeming thing of this movie.

Was this not basically the same plot as Sphere? Others have mentioned a few other movies as well... plot rehashes are not necessarily bad if done well but it seemed that most all the actors (especially Fishburne and Sam Neill) were just going thru the motions of their overly stereotyped characters.

The Cooper character (I like the actor, but this character was so over the top!) produced more cringe-worthy scenes than any I can recall in a long time... I was actually embarrassed just watching it alone.


It doesn't score a lot of points for originality, but I thought this was a solid sci fi horror. Pretty good cast, and the build up to all hell breaking loose at the end of the movie was effective.


It's a product of its time. The CGI used with floating objects was pretty good for the time. Today, it's dated. Production wise in the 90's, it's awesome. The sets, lighting, and costumes are solid.

Best moment, Sean Pertwee discovering the bomb. He didn't yell, scream, or say a cheesy one liner. He just released a defeated exhale. That was uncommon.

When it came out, it was a decent movie, especially among late 90's horror that tended to be screen teen flicks. But. it is dated and it has a big issue with the 3rd act. So I think you make a good point.
