MovieChat Forums > Scream (1996) Discussion > ***spoilers***Who killed who?

***spoilers***Who killed who?

Steve: Stu
Casey: Stu
Sidney attack at her house: Stu
Bathroom attack: prankster
Mr. Himbry: I'm inclined to say it was more a thing for Stu to do. But I'm just going with Billy, because otherwise he doesn't have many killings on his list and Stu was busy preparing his party.
Tatum: Billy
Kenny: Stu
Dewey attack: Billy




Steve: Billy
Casey: Billy
Sidney's attack at house: Stu
Sidney's bathroom attack: prankster
Himbry: Stu
Tatum: Billy
Kenny: Stu
Dewey's attack: Stu
Sidney's car attack: Stu


I'd like to point out, though, that Kevin Williamson has said Stu killed Casey. I have to admit it does seem more tragic if she sees her ex-boyfriend once she pulls off the mask.


Steve: Stu
Casey: Stu
Sidney attack: Stu
Bathroom attack: Student prank
Mr Himbry: Billy
Tatum: Billy
Kenny: Stu
Dewey: Billy


How could Billy have attacked Dewey? He was upstairs faking his death.


For whom? There was nobody else in the house anymore.
