MovieChat Forums > The Rock (1996) Discussion > Shane Black said that this movie is dogs...

Shane Black said that this movie is dogsh#t

Shane Black compared this movie to dogsh#t, and he said that he feels embarrassed when people tell him that they like his work while also being a fans of Michael Bay's films. Me personally, I don't care for that, since I don't even remember finishing watching this movie. But what is funny though, is that such statement comes from someone who directed Iron Man 3, which Shane Black considers to be an uber-artful masterpiece that was just too clever for people to understand. Iron Man 3 definitely wasn't too far away from movies that Michael Bay makes. A generic action blockbuster with hackneyed story and tasteless humor.


Who is Shane Black and why should I care what he thinks


Shane Black is an absolute idiot.

And he directed The Predator (2018) which is garbage. So I can't take him seriously at all.


Shane made The Predator (2018). He needs to not criticize after that pile of Amy Schumer shit.


Shane is an excellent screenwriter.

He may be referring to the premise. I don't buy a bunch of career military special ops guys concocting an act of terrorism because they are disgruntled about not being given recognition or back pay/benefits.

That is my main criticism of the film. It is bad writing and Shane did not write for this film as far as I know.

Why would career military men trash their good names, reputations, etc., in pursuit of what? A few bucks? To make a statement? Even Ed Harris could not sell that. Who is going to care about what their "statement" is after attempting a terrorist act?

So the premise was dogsh#t. I wouldn't go so far as to say the entire film was dogsh#t though. An interesting character study. Some good performances.


I see what you're saying, and that plot point may be a bit.... thin? However, the performances are great, the score is sublime but this came out in an era when we had Barbarino and Clarence Whorrly were flying a fake B2 and the former tries to steal a couple of nukes (fun movie by the way), two parallel disaster movies where an asteroid is about to assfuck the Earth as well as a comet doing the same thing, Barbarino taking his face off to swap with Nic Cage... It seems that the plot of the Rock is almost the most believable one! Haha

Seriously though, I like Shane Black as a screenwriter - but I highly disagree with him here.


I don't agree or disagree with Shane Black. The OP is vague. He doesn't explain the reasons he made the comment.

The 90's was a great decade for films. Tarantino and many others produced some fine postmodernist (and other) movies.

The Rock is a solid action film. Well done. It is implausible though. I will suspend disbelief to a certain point if a film is good. This went past that point for me.

General Francis X. Hummel simply would not have participated in this event for reasons previously stated.

I also had a hard time with the John Mason character. It is likely that nobody ever escaped Alcatraz. Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers probably were swept out to sea and drowned.

Yet SAS agent John Mason escaped? What was he doing there anyway? He was a British agent. Alcatraz was a federal penitentiary for hard case American prisoners. A brit?! Possible perhaps, but highly unlikely.

As an action film I would rate this 8/10. Due to the unbelievability factor I lower my overall rating to 6/10.


In IRONMAN III, they should've just stuck with the Mandarin from the comicbook for Christ sake instead of how Black did it?? I mean, who cares if it was the typical Asian Stereotype for the villain?? Who cares??


Yeah.... No one has pulled off Asian stereotypes as masterfully as Mickey Rooney in Breakfast At Tiffany's
