MovieChat Forums > The Arrival (1996) Discussion > finally saw this movie

finally saw this movie

remember reading about this movie in mid 90s in Cinescape and SF Universe magazine. obviously was made due to XFiles hitting the pop culture around then leading to a slew of alien conspiracy and alien invasion movies/TV (just look at the alien invasion movies in 96 alone - ID4, Mars Attacks, Star Trek First Contact).. its like now with all the superhero stuff about..

Anyway finally saw this on Horror Channel (uk) as been catching up with all these old SF movies I read about in the pages of SF magazines I used to read back in the 90s (Cinefantastique, Cinescape, starlog etc).. Watching it noticed its written directed by the Riddick guy..and you just know slightly overweight Charlie was going full 'charliesheen!' behind the scenes..bald dude from westwing/90s movies as Charles buddy.. Ron silvers in this in timecop villain mode? Cool.. I like his name in this 'Phil Gordian' and like the way Charlie says it..... ... ok pretty interesting so far very 90s XFiles looking at times ..SETI ID4 stuff.. Charlie on the run like an XFiles version of The Fugitive (still fresh in everyones minds in 96).. goes in to the alien dish thing that makes the Empire Strikes Back carbonite noise... wow this is pretty cool.. bit like They Live meets Mulder in the XFiles movie ending 2 years later (maybe they saw this movie ..funny how the XFiles movie turned up to its own party a couple of years too late)... liquid nitrogen stopping Ron and his goons? guess they saw T2.. the stereotype black kid weird alien legs thing looked kind of LOL.. Charlie saves the planet huh? Yeah right.. Would've preferred a darker ending

all in all kind of a fun watch .. I can't remeber if this was a cinema release or may have just been VHS release only in uk ...if id gone seen it at cinema I think id have dug it back then (I probably saw First Contact again instead)


Well, it is not like he saves the planet fighting the independence day ships, he posted the video proving the conspiracy


yeh ok but was Charlie saves the world. meh.


For the time being but not really. Aliens had that hectic greenhouse factory underground.


I thought the ending was kinda dark.
