MovieChat Forums > Spin City (1996) Discussion > who does everybody prefer charlie? or mi...

who does everybody prefer charlie? or mike?

for me its mike


mike for me too. I thought he was better then charlie.

"A pedestrian hit me and went under my car."


Mike! Totally!

I <3 Nancy Drew and Without a Trace! I love everything of theirs!


i prefer Mike!!!
charlie could never add up to him


Of course Mike


Hands down...


Michale j fox <3......... i mean i like charlie sheen but MJF is unreplaceable


MIKE ABSOLUTLEY i mean come on charlie tried to hard to be just like mike and it ruined it totaly they still show the old episodes with mike in them here so I tape them and watch them over again. I agree with most of the people here i mean when they took out Nikki and Janelle and James it just wasnt funny anymore

anyway mike gets my vote HANDS DOWN


charlie sheen is total badass IMO because I failed to realize that nikki and janelle were gone for like... the first three episodes.

with MJF leaving the show was bound to fail... but the fact is that he prolonged it for more than one season... which is more than A LOT of other actors could have done.

Mike FTW , but it could be because of my love for that guy during the initial 3 seasons... and the emotions that his Goodbye Mike episodes conjured up. :(


I've gotta say Mike. Charlie gets an 8/10, but Mike gets a 10/10!


am i the only one who liked charlie?


I liked Charlie too, but Mike originated the part, so he'll always be better.
It's always hard to live up to a predecessor, and I think Charlie did a great job with that, but I still prefer Mike.

...and we will walk through the fire!


"I liked Charlie too, but Mike originated the part, so he'll always be better.
It's always hard to live up to a predecessor, and I think Charlie did a great job with that, but I still prefer Mike."

Man in my country the Netherlands, the episodes with Charlie aired prior to the Mike episodes. Which caused me to believe Charlie originated the part, which caused me to believe Mike screwed up. I prefer Charlie.

The fact that this effect can occur, that everyone believes the person who they believe is the original actor, is the best one, probably means that both of them were good.


michael j fox rocked :) Charlie was OK, but I always laughed with Mike :)

* no opposite.*~


Yes you are.......Mike!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally...Micheal J. Fox rules....has anyone seen Back 2 the future!!! it's genious!!!!!!!! the first one was really good.....the 2nd one was ok...the 3rd one wasn't as good....but the series rules!!!!


oh my god you are so right! The bttf series kicked butt! my dad got me the dvd trilogy for xmas and ive watched it like 2 times already. The comentary is pretty good. I liked both the 1st and the 2nd the 3rd wasnt that good. but my fav was probally #2 i just thought he put out a really good performence as Marty in the 2nd movie

but i still think they all rocked!

By the way has ne body here ever seen Doc Hollywood? (another 1 of mikes movies)


NO!! I prefer Charlie


Charlie was much better! MJF is too much of the energetic, zac morris scheming, little kid type of funny...charlie was good at the drinking, hookin up, and making cynical, sarcastic jokes...which in my book makes him better.


Drinking and hoooking up.. the two key parts to being funny or a man... Ehem, what?

I don't really think Sheen is that great. Michael J Fox was great in this show, as well as the rest of the cast.. plus he's a decent guy to look up to, himself and "Mike".


Drinking and hooking up is believable as a deputy mayor? I'll take Mike just because the man behind the man IS an energetic bundle of nerves. He is the one actually running the city. Sheen makes a great drinking buddy but deputy mayor?


Mike was a lot better but the show did get funny again once they found a niche for Charlie to go with.


Mike and it's not even close.


I like Mike but for some reason I prefer Charlie.


Mike definitely! charlie tried too hard, and esp having charlie and caitlin as the 2 new characters that took over, leaving the funny original cast to do their own thing...


charlie was awful, sometimes i couldn't hear what charlie was saying, he made a funny joke unfunny. i've only watched 5 charlie sheen episodes so not to ruin spin city for myself


Mike had the ability to look as if he had just seen an alien. And his quick cool comments on something happening was the bomb!

Charlie (being a big fan of Sheen's movies) gives the show a bit of a false-laughter-kinda-look.. don't know how to write it. He seems so confident about his cool comments which makes it a bit lame.

Mike is the winner.


I liked Charlie, but I preffer Mike.

Michael J. Fox is one of a kind, so he's very hard, if not impossible for a replacement. He was the orginal deputy mayor, the orginals are usually better. The show was alot funnier with Mike. It didn't just revolve around Mike and his girlfriends, it involved the mayor, and his staff. Michael J. Fox (in my opinion)knows how to make people laugh, seemingly without trying. It just seemed to come naturally to him.

Charlie Sheen wasn't too bad either. The show wasn't as funny with Charlie. When Charlie came in, the show began revolving more around Charlie and Caitlin, that left the mayor and staff just hanging around doing something.

Michael J. Fox's final episode was sooo sad. You could tell the actors tears were real, they werent staged.

So Mike gets my vote.


i do prefer charlie, i think charlie sheen is funniest altough he is not best actor then MJF



I prefer Mike. I think that he's one of the funniest people of all time. He made the role so believable. As for Charlie, I watched part of one of his and turned it off. Mike's the man.

Who ya gonna' call? God, that phrase will never be usable again, will it?


I liked Mike better. Charlie was funny and great too, but I think Mike made the part his own, which made it a lot better.



The character that MJF portrayed, Mike, was more original (not the womanizing smooth guy we've seen so many times before) and therefore was better, in my opinion. But I don't just prefer Mike; I prefer the whole original cast. A lot of charm was lost from the show when James, Janelle, and Nikki left. This reduced the show to something more formulaic and not so fresh. I agree with those who say that Charlie just couldn't convey the lines with the same charm as Michael. He always seemed to laughing to himself before he even got the punchline out. And, as a personal bias, I preferred Mike's more average looks to Charlie's slicked up "babe magnet".



Mike, although I do like Charlie, Mike is the complete character actor being able to provoke emotions and feelings from the audience. I don't know if it is just me but you can see the difference Mike can make. I'm a big fan of Scrubs but when Mike was introduced for a couple of episodes as a complusive obbsessive surgeon the show moved up a class. He brought pathos and humour -more power to the writers sure, but it was Mike's acting and presence that made the difference.

As somebody said earlier the fact is that when Mike left Spin City and some others of the cast, the show lost a lot of its original appeal being to focused on Charlie and Caitlin.


i liked em both



without a doubt, MIKE


Charlie definitely! Mike was a pain in the ass, anal retentive, insecure weenie. All of his lame-ass relationship problems were soooo important! We were all expected to be incredibly respectful and reverent every time he fell for some babe. Charlie was a breath of fresh air by comparison. He was fun, laid back and easy to be around. He didn't take himself or his job or life too seriously. He was the kind of guy you want to hang out with, and he knew how to handle women!

It takes a big man to cry.
It takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.


I like them both, but on this show...Mike was better.


definitely mike! charlie sheen is also o.k., bu heĀ“ll never be as good as mike


Charlie sucked in this show..


I prefer Mike, but I think Charlie did the best job possible in replacing him. Mike is very unique, but this is one of the only shows that I still enjoyed as much after the main cast was changed.

I've been very lonely in my isolated tower of indecipherable speech.


I liked them both but I prefered Mike.


Definately Mike!! He was great. I never liked Charlie..


Um, "Spin City" is a sitcom, not a documentary. Mike Flaherty is, as you call him, "a pain in the ass, anal retentive, insecure weenie" because he's written that way. It doesn't seem quite fair for you to hold it against Michael J. Fox for doing it so well that you apparently believe that Flaherty and Fox are one and the same.

Or, perhaps I misinterpreted the topic title (in which case, I offer my sincere apologies), but the sound of the topic up until that point seemed like we were discussing the actors and not the characters.

Me, I preferred Michael J. Fox. His facial expressions are so much more varied, and he really has the hypochondriac-workaholic schtick down pat. Don't get me wrong, I think that Charlie Sheen is hysterical in "Two-and-a-Half Men" and he clearly makes a good effort on "Spin City," but ironically enough, he lacks the sheen (no pun intended) that Michael brought to the show. It just felt so much more polished when Mike was around.



He was cute and adorable even when he was doing something he really wasn't supposed to. Sheen looks like car sales man/child molester.

