Where is Everyone?!?!

Where did everyone go?! Did everyone move and not tell me?!!?


I never went to the Judge Judy board on IMDB. Hopefully many of the other regulars there will show up soon for you.

I've always thought she was such a grumpy b!tch, and therefore terrible judge, I couldn't tolerate her. There was another equally grumpy judge I couldn't stand, a male. Don't recall his name now, but he was just as bad, and I couldn't watch him either. Does anyone know who I mean? … Was his name Judge Wapner? Something like that, and equally awful. (With apologies to JJ and JW fans; I just can't stand either one of them, for the same reasons.)


Judge Maximum Morphonios?


I'm seeing this on other sites. It's like leaving a job that you've had for many years - initially you stay in contact but after a few days, weeks, months it subsides..


Hello, Mike.

See my post to Jayson.

It's a very sad state of affairs.....


Hey Gubbs,

It is sad. The archiving bit is fantastic but what's the point if only a few are going to post? Since it seems most of the old gang is gone, the old threads may as well be history and those of us who remain will need to move forward.

Even though the show is in reruns, to get back in the swing of things it would be great if we could all post every now and then. It would help to maintain consistency and we also wouldn't forget where to post.

I'll make it a point to post at least once a week, for familiarity's sake. Hope everyone can follow suit. Let's make this site work for us!


Hello, Jayson.

I peek in every so often, but no one is posting. The IMDB community is split up
and splintered.

Everyone thinks it's great that the mods on this site (and others) have incorporated "most" of the old IMDB threads, but that's all water under the bridge.

What good are old posts if there's no current traffic ???

Just my opinion.....


haha this board was poppin' on imdb?
It's funny how everyone had their little communities...

Sorry, they're not here.
most of my 'imdb people' split up too. : (


Jayson! I'm still here...it's just that I've not been watching JJ during her March reruns. I was wondering where everyone went, as well. It seems a number of forums have been quiet lately, now that the dust has settled. But I'm still here - so keep posting!


I watch her show, I'll post on here.


Where is everyone? LOL


I'd like to ask the same question... I miss everyone.
