MovieChat Forums > Species (1995) Discussion > most RETARDED character in movie history

most RETARDED character in movie history

Forest W!

'Something bad happened here' no *beep* sherlock

they find Sil's car in the middle of the road without gas: 'She walked... She walked' ooooooooh really?

'She didn't like it when you locked her up' damn Forest, your psychic powers amaze me

'Laura and Press, they like each other'- Did NOT see that one coming y'all!

and the list goes on and on


That he read the script and then said yes clearly shows he must have been hard-up for cash.


The male version of Deanna Troi.

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.


Oh man, Dan the Empath just made me facepalm every time he spoke. Then right after where Alfred Molina's character watches the footage of Sil clearly having a nightmare and says "Look at her eyes, rapid eye movement, she's dreaming!" Incredibly, i doubt anyone would have deduced this mystery if he hadn't pointed it out with his expertise knowledge. Lol

I think this movie works better as a comedy where Ben Kingsley hires a team of specialists who are all terrible at their job and say extremely obvious things.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


Forest IS slightly retarded. It is thought of in Hollywood as a uniquely original, valuable part of his acting style.


And yet they cast cuba gorden junior as Radio.


I actually loved the character Dan. I think he was not really an "empath" or whatever, and nobody in the movie really believed him either. He's more likely a con man, and Fitch always knew it, he's just didn't know who he needs to recruit anyway, so he took anyone that'd be available. Very realistic depiction of how a goverment agency works.

If Fitch could gather a team of fully capable superheroes like the Avengers it would make the movie too cliched and way more unrealistic. In fact, this movie has many instances of small unecessary details that other movies in this genre never bothered with, like how they made Dan a moslem, in a movie pre-politically-correct-every-single-minorities-have-to-be-represented Hollywood. That's pretty advanced for 1995. Oh, and the black guy didn't die!


"She's a predator. Eyes on front. Her eyes are on front. Her eyes are in front so she can judge the distance to her prey." To which the woman on the left agrees with him.

Some times I wonder if that scripted line was intended to be when sil took on another form rather then he clearly human female we saw in the film up to this point.


I still don't get the "She's a predator, her eyes are in front" when sil was clearly humanoid. Was she supposed to have been scripted to be a differfen't type of alien monster when that line was originally written?
