MovieChat Forums > Se7en (1995) Discussion > Who was cast as John Doe before Kevin ?

Who was cast as John Doe before Kevin ?

The actor that was fired by David F and all his scenes were reshot!


Good question


I couldn't find anything that said there was an actor fired that originally had Spacey's role. This is the only actor replacement on Se7en I could find any info about.

incorrect info removed


Did you use a bot for this? Ermey was NOT replaced, he still played the captain and actually has one rather funny scene in this extremely depressing movie. Roundtree played the district attorney, which is a totally different part. The two even shared a scene together.


I asked AI and that is what it told me. That's what you get for trusting AI. I saw the movie when I was a teenager so it's been a while.


Christopher Plummer was originally cast as John Doe, then he was fired by David Fincher and all of his scenes were reshot with Kevin Spacey and/or digitally altered and replaced with Spacey's image.


Plummer waited over 20 years to get that revenge! 😂


