MovieChat Forums > First Knight (1995) Discussion > Unintentionally hilarious!

Unintentionally hilarious!

Hi everyone,
Me and my friend Louise watched First Knight recently and were entertained no end by the hilarious acting and dialogue:

1.) Richard Gere's amusing cocky face-acting, trying to make himslef look as sultry as possible. While being as wooden as possible. check out the scene under the tree when he says "...sigh... I'm tired".

2.) In the scene where she is captured in the boat out of the castle, julia ormand looks like she is being pulled around like a harpsichod.

3.) Richard Gere launching himself at Julia Ormand and proceeding to eat her face!

4.) Sean connery's entrance into said scene, looking furious and then his eye disloves into a fire! Hilarious!!!!

5.) Sean Connery screaming "Why? Why? WHHHYYYYYYYYY?!" did I agree to do ths film!

6.) Richard Gere galloping full pelt after the runaway horse and then the stable boy casually trotting very slowly after it!

7.) In the scene after Gere completes the assult course, and is offered ormand to kiss. someone in the crowd shouts "Go on, my son!!!!"

8.) Sean Connery shouting "fight!" and waving his sword around and his knights stare gormlessly about wondering what to do as the king is shot with 3 arrows!

There are many other hilarious scenes that i can mention, so feel free to add to this list. My friend and I agree we haven't laughed so much at a film before this much!


5.) Sean Connery screaming "Why? Why? WHHHYYYYYYYYY?!" did I agree to do ths film!

Don't forget that later on, he says, "I have no pride left" when Malagant is telling him to kneel before him. I kept thinking...he REALLY delivers that deep down he is referring to the humiliation of being in this movie. heh

Also, no one has mentioned the part where Malagant's men come screaming into Camelot, really hollering and screaming, and what happens? We get a bunch of "who goes there? I say, you on the roof, who goes there?" Seriously? Who do you think goes there? Who have you been fighting with for the entire movie? DUH!


Given the amount of uninvolved, effectless, powerless garbage coming out today with so many cardboard actors, this thread is unintentionally hilarious. There is nothing in this movie as bad as recent Oscar nominees like Boyhood or Foxcatcher. Nothing in this movie is as stupid as hit movies like Guardians of the Galaxy.


talk about love at first sight, huh, when they meet in the forest. well obviously she's pretty sought after since she's the only female in the movie, i don't recall seeing her in anything but this. a few parts of the movie looks like a painting. i felt sorry for arthur, to have waited so long for a wife to meet this destiny.

heartache as you left early today,
i need your lovin to stay,
you caught me off guard,
as you said we had to part,
missin your smile and tease,
your charm made a fool out of me,
and i want your lovin around the clock,
when you leave i worry for my heart.


The gauntlet scene.

-The poor ugly peasants (that obviously never had a chance) wearing cushioned protection that looks like they were made in the 50's and not invented yet in the medieval era

-Gere's daring, and dangerous decision to not wear the armor *gasp* he might be killed!

-The fake gasps in the crowd as if it would enhance the theaters audience that he'd really get maimed.

-The fake looking gauntlet that looked to be made of plastic! Plastic knives, hollow bags.. why the F would they even have made such a contraption!

-Gere's smug look on his face when he talks to the king after.."I knew that I could do it..."


"Sean Connery shouting "fight!" and waving his sword around and his knights stare gormlessly about wondering what to do as the king is shot with 3 arrows!"

Actually it was four arrows, and what magnificently-perfect grouping.....I haven't seen such great grouping since Young Frankenstein.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Ben Cross gives such a cringe-worthy villain performance! Yes, the part is written in such a one-dimensional way. But, man!

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


I like Gere, but as a medieval knight he just seems ridiculous.
