MovieChat Forums > First Knight (1995) Discussion > Unintentionally hilarious!

Unintentionally hilarious!

Hi everyone,
Me and my friend Louise watched First Knight recently and were entertained no end by the hilarious acting and dialogue:

1.) Richard Gere's amusing cocky face-acting, trying to make himslef look as sultry as possible. While being as wooden as possible. check out the scene under the tree when he says "...sigh... I'm tired".

2.) In the scene where she is captured in the boat out of the castle, julia ormand looks like she is being pulled around like a harpsichod.

3.) Richard Gere launching himself at Julia Ormand and proceeding to eat her face!

4.) Sean connery's entrance into said scene, looking furious and then his eye disloves into a fire! Hilarious!!!!

5.) Sean Connery screaming "Why? Why? WHHHYYYYYYYYY?!" did I agree to do ths film!

6.) Richard Gere galloping full pelt after the runaway horse and then the stable boy casually trotting very slowly after it!

7.) In the scene after Gere completes the assult course, and is offered ormand to kiss. someone in the crowd shouts "Go on, my son!!!!"

8.) Sean Connery shouting "fight!" and waving his sword around and his knights stare gormlessly about wondering what to do as the king is shot with 3 arrows!

There are many other hilarious scenes that i can mention, so feel free to add to this list. My friend and I agree we haven't laughed so much at a film before this much!



This was possibly the worst film i've ever seen. What was Connery thinking?

The bit that made me laugh most was Lancelot cupping water in a leaf for Guinevere:

"What are you doing?" she asks him to which he replies "wait and see" before letting her drink the water. Guinevere is stunned and asks "where did you learn that?"

He's just collected a bit of water in a leaf. Its not exactly rocket science is it? Dozy bint.


The bit that made me laugh most was Lancelot cupping water in a leaf for Guinevere:

"What are you doing?" she asks him to which he replies "wait and see" before letting her drink the water. Guinevere is stunned and asks "where did you learn that?"

He's just collected a bit of water in a leaf. Its not exactly rocket science is it? Dozy bint.

LOL! Brilliant


HA! I love, "Why, why, WHYYYYY!!!!!" My friends and I used to run outside and scream that line, and see which one of us could be the loudest.


I love when Julia Ormond meets with the villagers who have had their village burned and at first acts very sweet - not allowing them to kneel before her, saying they will pray together after they have had food and drink. Then she just says point blank, "Now go."


what about the "kiss !! kiss !! kiss !!" scene in Camelot? Just look at the people around Gere....
and then the deep and hularious exchange with Julia : "Ask me !" "No." "Ask me!" "Never!"

Vous au moins vous ne risquez pas d'être un légume puisque même un artichaud a du coeur !


The kissing scene in this movie has to be one of the ugliest kisses in movie history. In fact, I don't think I had ever seen a kiss that made me go "ewww!" before that film. Thankfully, I have been spared any similar ones ever since, either in real life or on screen.

I'm a Sidekick and proud of it.


1) How about the hesitation from the prince in his "killing blow" to Lancelot? I half expected him to pause and reveal his criminal plan ala old Batman TV series.

2) Agree completely with the fight fight, never give up comments! Hilarious. What kind of knights sit around unarmed with no kingsguard? Silly, silly, silly.

3) Ugh, the kiss scenes - so bad they are funny. Both. The gere one where he consumes her face and the old man kiss. Not that the latter is necessarily bad per se, but this one was just gross for some reason.

This is a hilarious post.


I can't belive no one has mentioned this one yet!

-the part where he's letting water drip from the leaf's onto your mouth. No one in my class could help but think the 'wrong' way if you know what I mean.

-the part where Lancelot gets super close to her face and says "I want YOU." and this kid in my class jokingly said "He's a rapist". I was in tears laughing.

I was going to put a signature here, but then I forgot what I was gonna say. <3


Also of note is the scene where Lancegere is hanging on to the back of the boat that has the capture Guinevere on it. It is speeding through the water as such a speed that it initially appears to be some sort of motorboat (going in reverse). As it turns out is actually being pulled back by some complicated winch system, which probably almost as ludicrous (There sure is some amazing medieval technolgy in this movie). Either way the sight of Gere being pulled behind the boat, almost like he's water skiing, and the speed at which it is moving is hilarious.

In addition to Gere's *beep* posturing and posing Malagant's (A funny name in of itself) excessive scenery chewing with his constant sneering and snarling.

Just one example of the hilarity to found in 'First Knight.'


I also found it funny when Malagant said "Take him down to the pit and then bring him back here, give me a chance to finish my food."

Let's get dangerous!


I like a good fantasy play romance and the Arthurian legends are fun, but this one is a real stinker. Just no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Malagant's men when Lancegere and the fair maiden escape via underground river: there's no WAY anyone could follow them now! Especially when their leader is a dude who likes to punch his men in the face with a fistful of spikes after seeing a torn bit of dress, evidence of a minor misstep. Obviously, he's going to be okay with her escaping because they didn't want to get their clothes wet or risk drowning.

Lancegere's unimaginably bland deliverance of these words to Arthur: "I never meant to hurt you, my lord." I can't believe Arthur didn't believe him!

Courts where the worst cases of treason are decided are held outdoors so that it will be easy for the accused to escape if they decided to try (or for the enemy to attack suddenly through open city gates where no sentries were posted).

Bad guys' faces are always sweaty and dirty.

If you have pistol grip crossbows, wait to use them until you're in really close range.

If you move your sword slowly, deliberately and with a very angry or intense expression you will have a better chance of killing your opponent. If that doesn't work against the evil Malagant, suddenly go into a super-fast forward mode (hilariously reminiscent of an intentionally funny scene from 'Robin Hood: Men in Tights' where the blind guy attacks a wooden post with a sword. I half expected Gere to stop and hold his side, breathing heavily, afterward.)

One of my early boyfriends kissed me like the facehugger scene in this movie. He thought it was passionate. I thought it was less so especially the split lip part. We didn't see each other much after that ;-)


"You see those scavenger birds up there? They're waiting for animals to be crushed under the wheels of carriages."

This was in the first few minutes. I left the film at this point, having already cringed at some of the dialogue: "I'm not that easy to kill", "Watch your flank", not to mention Guinevere being 'in love' with Arthur. Scavenger birds, at least in sixth century Wales, did not wait by the roadside for small animals to be killed by the one cart in Wales at the time. Where do they get people to write this rubbish? They must have trawled all the dives and eateries in Los Angeles to find anyone who could come up with dialogue this dire and this preposterous - it's an art form all of its own. How does crap like this get greenlit? Ghastly. Unwatchable. Ugh!

Hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear.


AHAHAHA!!!!! This thread is making me laugh. I saw only one small portion on television a few years ago with my siblings, (the obstacle course scene, I believe) but I still laughed reading everybody else's posts on here about parts I never did see.

And I know whatcha' mean, when you see something when you're little, it seems so serious. Then you get older and watch it again and it's hilarious!

Yes, that's me...Little miss Lee...


My favourite funny bits not mentioned... that guy who can shoot an flaming-arrow onto a moving death-barge at 100 feet? Get someone like that to keep an eye out for approaching enemy warriors in your big castle.

And what was up with the main bad guys big speech at the end? Wha?

And in the scene where Lancelot and his men have freed the people in the village, when the little kid says to Richard Gere 'Can I go home now?' maybe some of the audience don't get the deep symbolism of the moment so be sure to have Richard Gere do one of his far-away remembering looks and have the kid say it again. oh you did that.

And as someone said, yes I'm sure the people of Camelot will be completely happy that their new king and queen were just on trial for treason and being dirty betraying groin-slaves. Hail to the King baby!


Oh this movie was so awesomely bad! I had to take it as a comedy rather than an action movie or a period drama. LOL Richard Gere looked so freaking old!


I haven't seen this in years. I'm going to rent it just because of how hilarious this thread is.

"I don't want to make money. I just want to be wonderful."
