MovieChat Forums > Braveheart (1995) Discussion > The scene where Longshanks receives his ...

The scene where Longshanks receives his nephews decapitated head

I love how his son was so repulsed by it and looked like he was about to vomit yet Longshanks just picks it up by the hair as if it was nothing.


Until you’ve actually picked up a severed head by its’ hair you will never realize how non-eventful it is. I’ve done several and it really was nothing every time.


Yeah seriously all it is is a severed head, you don’t need to get all over dramatic over it


Well, Longshanks probably "attended" many battles first-hand, so was used to the gore. His son, however, was mostly likely sheltered from birth as well as being effeminate, so there was no hope for him.


I agree that it really was an attempt to make Longshank's son seem more effeminate and pathetic. This was a time when public executions were the norm and bloodshed between the royal families common. Doesn't Longhshanks make a comment about how useless his son is shortly after that scene?


Yeah he said that if he sent his son to York to negotiate with Wallace at the mere sight of him Wallace would feel motivated to invade all of England


‘Not my gentle son… the mere sight of him would only encourage an enemy to take over the entire country…’

