where were the awards?

this film is beyond brilliant and the acting is so realistic and full of passion and pain. so why did this not get any oscar nominations or cannes wins?


None. Rena Owen got snubbed multiple times.


I agree Rena Owen and Temeura Morrison were unbelievably good, how the academy turned their back on these two performances I have no idea, they should have at least been nominated.


What a powerful movie. It deserved awards, or at least nominations, for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Director and Best Picture.

It's the kind of film you never forget. I saw it in high school during English class and by the end I felt like I had been sucker punched in the gut. The film stayed in the back of my mind for years, until I watched it again a couple of months ago. The experience was just as powerful as the first time I saw it.

This film deserves more recognition outside of New Zealand. Everyone who has seen it should be recommending it to everyone they know.


Why’d y’all watch it in English class?


Film studies was part of our English curriculum. We would study movies the way you would study literature: film technique, shot composition, themes, and so forth. So we watched movies such as Once Were Warriors, Strictly Ballroom, Robin Hood, The Mission, and even The Matrix (for its allegory, metaphors, visual style etc.)


Right on.
