MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Favorite and least favorite of the main ...

Favorite and least favorite of the main six characters and why?

Favorite - Phoebe because she's so hilarious, and I love her character's look.
Least favorite - Chandler. I think he's okay, but nothing special. His jokes don't makes me laugh as enough.

There's something wrong with Esther.


fave- Chandler, Funny, sarcastic, a little bit pathetic sometimes and a great straight man to Joey

Least- Monica- good character but not generally that funny


Favourite - Phoebe. Funniest character by far and made me laugh the most out of the six. She wasn't as serious as the rest, she's definitely a feel-good character.

Least Favourite - Ross. Annoying, Annoying, Annoying. He has his good moments but for the most part he is an extremely annoying character with a crappy personality. Although Monica is made out to be the control freak, Ross is weirdly controlling and he wouldn't want anyone dare question his masculinity. Really hated when Friends started to become the Ross and Rachel show.


I thought Ross was probably the most considerate friend of them all, he helped them out all the time. He's quite particular, but I don't see him as controlling. And all the guys were sensitive about their masculinity. When the show gradually went downhill after season 5, I thought Schwimmer's physical comedy was one of the better parts of the show.

Phoebe was the worst friend, she could be really mean, especially in later seasons.


I agree that he was a good friend, but when it came to his relationship with Rachel he got quite controlling. While i agree that all three guys had fragile masculinity, i think it was more part of Ross' personality that came across like that. I do agree about later seasons though, that's when i like Ross a lot more, he becomes less whiny and more humorous.

Yeah Phoebe definitely wasn't the most caring, i feel like the writers didn't really know what to do with her tbh. She'll still always be my favourite considering she was the one who made me laugh the most throughout the many times i watched it.




Favorite - Ross because I like him alot as a person (despite a few flaws) and I found him the funniest. Chandler is a very close second though.
Least Favorite - Phoebe because I just dont find "silly" or "dumb" humor all that funny. Which is pretty much what she/Joey brought to the table.





Favorite - It stands between Phoebe and Joey. Both were likable in different ways, though Phoebe was overall quirkier than Joey. Phoebe was funny by her quirky antics, whereas Joey was more likable with his happy-go-lucky persona.

Least favorite - Rachel. Though there was a time that I had a fondness for Jennifer Aniston, I found Rachel to be whiny, self-pitying and off-putting.


Favourite - Ross. Best person out of the bunch and funniest. Joey is a close 2nd.

Least Favourite - Phoebe. To me the least funny. As a person I thought she was the worst too.
