So many deleted scenes.

In order (complete, as far as I know):

We introduced to Luger at his house instead of at the York murder scene. We learn more about his wife and daughter's extreme promiscuity. In his study he notes that he only has two days left to retirement before he listens to the message York left him on his answering machine before being killed. There is a flashback to their days as a beat cop. We also learn more about Luger's interest in fishing.

On his way down Luger finds out that York has been murdered from a random man on a phone (Christopher Lambert).

At the police station there are extra shots of cops goofing-off instead of actually working.

In Captain Doyle's office Luger spins a wheel-of-fortune to find out how long he's got to solve the case. The wheel passes through 76 Trombones, 9 1/2 Weeks, High Noon and Seven Days in May before finally stopping on 48 Hours.

After being partnered with Colt the other cops place bets on how long their partnership will last.

Outside the station Colt and Luger have a conversation before going to see Doctor Leecher.

Mike McCracken's assassination is considerably longer. As he cries his backup singers cover him in tissues. Mr. Jigsaw sprays the house with bullets but none of them connect. McCracken laughs at his poor marksmanship before Mr. Jigsaw comes back with a cannon. McCracken starts crying again.

There are more shots of Colt playing with Sport, the Labrador at the McCracken crime scene. It brings back memories of his missing dog so he sits down at the piano and breaks into tune. Everyone joins in, even the corpses start tapping their toes.

After the cars blow up Colt and Luger hitch a ride on a passing forklift to General Mortar's warehouse. On the way Colt explains the connection between Mortars and his dogs disappearance.

Colt and Luger quiz General Mortars at his warehouse. Mortar's, flanked my Mr. Jericho (barely seen in the theatrical cut) and Mr. Jigsaw, remembers Colt from Vietnam but admits nothing. In a spoof of a scene from Lethal Weapon General Mortars grills Mr. Jericho's hand on a Hibachi as a test of loyalty. Colt has a flashback to Vietnam where a Hibachi blows up in his face. Bored with the interrogation Mortars orders a basketball team playing in the background to escort them from the premises. The team recognize Luger as the father of their "friend" Debbie.

Back at the police station Colt uses a home drug test kit on a box of Wilderness Girls cookies he found at the McCracken murder scene. Luger is angry that Colt is not doing things by the book. They argue before getting physical. A fight breaks out. Officers place bets on who is going to win. As the fight enters the second round Colt and Luger crash out of the window and plummet all the way to ground. But they fall in slow motion, giving the other cops time to get outside, pour coffee, eat donuts, smoke and watch them hit the sidewalk. But, being LA, there is a pool to break their fall. In the pool Colt accidentally punches a mermaid. Colt and Luger call a truce before heading to the Wilderness Girls factory.

At the factory, when Colt shakes Destiny's hand the electrical charge between them blacks-out the rest of the neighborhood.

In pursuit of Mr. Jigsaw there is a scene where Jack Colt wins a teddy bear for his markmanship. This explains why in one shot only there is a bear under his arm in the theatrical cut.

The chase goes on and on through many different terrains before ending with Colt's mistimed jump from the bridge.

The fight between Colt and Mr. Jigsaw is much longer including gags where Mr. Jigsaw attacks him with a meat cleaver, a scimitar and a baseball bat, the last of which Colt counters with a baseball. Finally Mr. Jigsaw grabs a meat cutting knife but Colt also deflects this with a large steak before throwing him off the railing.

Extra shots of General Mortars in his office as Mr. Jigsaw and Jack fight.

Mr. Jigsaw actually manages to shoot Colt before being gunned-down himself. Luger beats him back to life and Colt suddenly wakes screaming "It takes more than 12 rounds form an Uzi to kill Ted Zickleman". Luger reminds him that his name is actually Jack Colt. "Someone has taken over my body!" is Colt's response.






Most of those, plus several more, are now on YouTube.

To be honest I think the film is better without them, it has mild pacing problems as it is, but it’s fascinating to see them nonetheless:
