MovieChat Forums > Last Action Hero (1993) Discussion > Could a movie like this be done nowadays...

Could a movie like this be done nowadays???

First off, This movie is amazing. One thing that amazed me was the directing and cinematography which are really impressive. There are scenes that are so well shot and directed which I have seen no one else do better than Mctiernan.

Another thing... The movie was way ahead of its time and it failed at the BO because it was totally misunderstood. Where people expected another Terminator or Commando, they got a really smart satire of action movies, action heroes and everything wrong with them at that time.

NOw the movie took what was hot at the time which was the ACTION HERO persona which had become so big and actually ridiculous at that time and put it on its feet. NOwadays we don't have the action heroes but we do have something similar..

...The COMIC BOOK HERO... NOw could a movie like this, where its main story is actually poking fun and pointing out the bad things and inconsistencies on COmic Book movies work nowadays??? I think so./...

It would be awesome to see a movie that takes this premise of getting a regular audience member into a comic book movie just to point out the thing we always rant in these boards like the CGI, the plot conveniences, the hero never getting hurt, even the Ratings...Wouldn't it be cool?


NOw the movie took what was hot at the time which was the ACTION HERO persona which had become so big and actually ridiculous at that time and put it on its feet. NOwadays we don't have the action heroes but we do have something similar..

...The COMIC BOOK HERO... NOw could a movie like this, where its main story is actually poking fun and pointing out the bad things and inconsistencies on COmic Book movies work nowadays??? I think so./...

In a sense, Deadpool Actually pulled this quite good...


Well, someone did recently do a film with a premise similar to this one called The Final Girls. Only based on slasher films rather than action films.


This movie was similar to The Page Master, a kid goes into a book & Tron a man goes into a computer program. Although not flops they weren't blockbusters either.


This movie was similar to The Page Master, a kid goes into a book & Tron a man goes into a computer program. Although not flops they weren't blockbusters either.

The Pagemaster was a flop. It didn't even make back its budget. I do like it though. It did have the misfortune of coming out the same year as Forrest Gump, the Mask, True Lies, The Lion King, and Pulp Fiction.

"1-800 Spank me? I know that number." Scott Calvin, The Santa Clause.


This movie is being made TODAY, and released EVERY FEW MONTHS.

Every action movie that comes out these days is trying too hard to be self-aware and comedic that they aren't in the vein of the '80s action films that get spoofed in Last Action Hero. Serious action is a risk, so they hire Kevin Hart and give him someone to play off for a buddy comedy aping buddy cop action.

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Well it could but it doesn't necessarily have to be a comic book action movie. The main plot of Last Action Hero is that this Magic ticket gives whoever has it the power to step into the world of any film they want to, and the power to bring a character back into the real world with them so the possibilities are endless.


Deadpool pretty much does this.
