MovieChat Forums > Frasier (1993) Discussion > I love Frasier but...

I love Frasier but...

They changed the character so much. One episode it implies that Frasier would NEVER go hunting or as if he hated guns. Yet, in Cheers not only did he gladly go with the gang for the fake snipehunt...but he even knew it was fake but had fun anyways.

Frasier acted like everything of his father and average joe was beneath him. Yet, Frasier became just that in Cheers. He was one of the guys. He came in all rich and sophisticated. But he didn't act like he was above everyone to the point every little thing they did was unlike him. He joined in most of the crazy things.

If Frasier of Cheers and the Frasier of Fraiser met, I think while they'd like each other for their common interest, they'd not get along for their difference in personality and ideas of fun.

In another episode of Cheers, Frasier, though suffer doubt in the end, was all for camping in the cold, yet hated it in Cheers.

In Frasier, Frasier acted like he'd never grow facial hair and how it wouldn't look good on him. However, the final season of Cheers had Frasier sporting one. And he looked good to me.

The only thing I accepted that was ridiculous the whole "Dead Scientist Father and being an only child." I get their explanation was technically stupid. But considering how Fraiser was in Frasier, it sounds more believable that the Frasier of Frasier would pull that rather than the Cheers Frasier. Which is why I accepted this.

I swear, the only thing the two Frasiers have in common was that their names were Frasier Crane, they were psychiatrists, and they were both played by Kelsey Grammer. Otherwise, they were different men.


You're asking writers of a new TV show which is bringing back a character from another show years ago to stick 100% to the original characters story, effectively disabling them from adding their own spin to the proceedings.

Sure there's some glaring errors with half-assed explanations, but Jesus, I wouldn't go losing sleep about it. TV is taking liberties with shows all the time and given the choice, i'd much rather take 'Frasier' than the Cheers 'Frasier'.


It always seemed odd that Frasier had no understanding of anything sports-related, when he was spun off from a show in which he spent every night in a sports bar. Those jokes made sense for Niles, but not Frasier.


Frasier, the character was depicted this way to better match Niles.

It feels appropriate for the show that the Crane brothers are being written as sharing similar "failings", and tastes.


It's all to do with his surroundings. In Boston he fell in with Sam and the gang, I've not seen Cheers in a long time but wasn't he dating Diane when he was introduced.

Once he moved back to Seattle he fell in with Nilis social circle and adopted there snobish ways, it was shown a few times he still enjoyed drinking beer with the guys but had few opportunities to do this in his life.

As for the camping, I don't think Frasier was particularly happy about going but he just wanted to make memories with his son and take him on his "first" camping trip.

Don't forget we followed this character for nearly 20 years, it's only natural that certain aspects / views would change


It's a TV show.

Cheers is about losers in a bar. Frasier is about a psychiatrist who needs therapy himself, but his friends and family, for all their faults, have things together.


On "Cheers" Frasier talked about an older brother who was an airline pilot. On "Frasier" that brother had disappeared and was replaced by Niles.


The good 'ol "brother who vanished" trope thanks to Happy Days


I noticed that too, but to me I interpreted it as a common occurrence with most people in general. He lived and worked in Boston at the time and had a different life and setting of friends. His new life in Seattle is completely different and his status is even a bit elevated, not to mention his physical closeness to family (Dad and Niles).

People change over the years and they either become more reserved and conservative or more loose and carefree.


They are 2 completely different shows. Frasier is not a cheers sequel. They have the artistic license to make the character different or to change the character over time.


Besides, characters on tv change all the time.


Cheers Frasier was trying to fit in with the guys when showing signs of interest in sports or whatever...Frasier Frasier was able to be himself more due to Niles...Let us not forget he tried to culture the folks at Cheers with his reading of A Tale of Two Cities that he butchered to keep the gang at Cheers interested...

