MovieChat Forums > My Cousin Vinny (1992) Discussion > The reason people hate Marisa Tomei's Os...

The reason people hate Marisa Tomei's Oscar win...

1. She didnt star in a movie about gays

2. She didnt cry

3. She didnt speak in a British accent

4. No one had AIDS in the movie

5. More than 5 people went to see the film

6. It was a movie that made people laugh

7. She didnt pretend to be a man

8. She had the nerve to appear in a movie that appealed to a wide audience

9. She didnt star in a movie that preached to people about a social issue

10. The Coen Bros, Paul Thomas Anderson, or whatever other artsy fartsy director didnt direct it.

Basically anyone who gave Marisa Tomei grief for her Oscar win was a stuck up pretencious film snob. Tomei was laugh out loud funny and a total scene stealer in a film people liked. God forbid she beat Joan Plowright playing a cranky old hag in some bore of a film 5 people saw or Judy Davis playing a stuck up b--- (which she is in real life) in a pretencious boring unfunny lame Woody Allen effort or Vanessa Redgrave in a 10 minute role that was nothing, or Miranda Richardson who cried in 1 5 min scene in a dreadful movie.

Basically what I'm saying is that people who hate on Tomei's Oscar win can suck it.


I agree with acsuc99. Good rant!


She made a great movie even better and she deserved the win.


13 years later your post is truer than ever.


As I said earlier

She outperformed the competition, and was in a movie people saw that year and remember

As far as I'm concerned she should have won Best Actress ,,, BUT the producer wisely put her up for best supporting actress knowing the snobs that run the Academy don't really respect Comedy
