MovieChat Forums > Batman Returns (1992) Discussion > If Batman Returns came out today...

If Batman Returns came out today... well do you think the media and the wider audience would've received it?


Hard to say. Audiences have come to think of superhero movies a particular way. They love the 40% jokes 60% action set pieces formula that the Marvel brand has perfected. Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool, and other self-aware, irony-heavy, yet still strangely earnest films. Batman Returns takes itself seriously, has a unique Goth aesthetic, doesn't emphasize irony, and departs radically from the source material (somewhere along the line "We're going back to the first stories" became a bit of a fetish, too).

In short, audiences today are conditioned for a certain kind of comic book superhero experience and Burton's heightened reality ain't it. That could be really good or really bad. It might be a breath of fresh air amidst a dull cavalcade of clones and doppelgangers. On the other hand, it could wind up being weird and inaccessible, defying expectations to the point of self-destruction.

It's speculation (of course), but I'd guess that critics would be really interested in it. It would get mixed-to-positive reviews, with every critic highlighting its daring to be different. The phrase, "Even when it doesn't always work," would come up a lot. Audiences wouldn't like it. It would be too off-kilter, so they'd basically go, "It's not Nolan and it's not Avengers, so we hate it." DC fans would love it by default, but that's it. It'd make some money, but not a tonne.

In ten years' time, it'd be a cult classic. Everybody would look back on the era at all the xeroxed copies trying to out-ape one another and Batman Returns would stick out as something special - something nobody gave enough of a chance to see the madcap genius behind it. It would get its due, but it would take a very, very circuitous route to get there.


People would understand this film today......w shrek being Trump and penguin being Sanders...they would jam theaters wanting to see the two monsters trying to take over and needing to be stopped.


I could see that, people imposing politics onto it (or Burton putting that in there). But I have a feeling that they wouldn't see Penguin as Saunders. I think they'd see Shrek as Trump or Saunders, depending on who was watching the film. Right wing people would perceive Shrek as the socialist who pretends to give, but really takes, while left wing type would apply Shrek to Trump: a man "of the people" who's really just a dogmatic capitalist and self-server.


Other than being tossed away by parents and the flippers---was fairly easy to perceive penguin as sanders

weird eccentric guy who suddenly gets army of brainwashed followers even though people have no idea who he really is and why he HAS to be head political official

throws a fit when he is NOT selected and vows retaliation/liberation against the system when he does not get picked.
