MovieChat Forums > Batman Returns (1992) Discussion > What about an animated sequel?

What about an animated sequel?

Should Warner bros make a sequel like they did with Batman 1966? I think it would be a great idea and give the series closure. It could deliver the true final installment that fans have been waiting for. They have nothing to lose, so why not?


I like that idea, but only if Tim Burton is closely involved and Michael Keaton voices Batman. (Unfortunately, Michael Gough and Pat Hingle would be unable to reprise their roles.) It would be cool to have Billy Dee Williams return as the voice of Harvey Dent, who would finally become Two-Face in this sequel.

Originality needs a reboot.


I thought the animated series were the reboot. They were kinda dark for a cartoon.


I rather have a live action movie myself. It's of course very unlikely to happen, but still... a short film or something set decades later would appeal more to me than an animated feature (not that I wouldn't check out an animated version).


