Calling out Millsey72

No one gives a shit that you jerk off every night to the movie cover of Terminator Geneysis, you have such a sad scary pathetic obsession with that putrid pile of trash movie it's unreal. Was your brain soaked in fluoride as a child? Where you deprived of oxygen when you were born? Is your IQ lower than a goldfish? One can only wonder, then again you're probably just a sad troll on here. Congrats you finally got the attention you craved now move on you pathetic sack of shit.


I don't know what this is about, but you just made yourself look abhorrent.


Before you judge Castor too badly, check out Millsey's posts. You'll see why it could generate a reaction:


In response to Metatron: You can't read any topic on here without him tainting every thread stating how Geneysis is better than the classic Terminator films. I don't care if it's his "opinion" he screams troll or needs to stop huffing paint fumes everyday. I don't really care what you think.


I think Castor Troy made himself look ADMIRABLE.


I would argue that Face-off is a better movie than T2.


And Dark Fate is the next best Terminator film after Geneysis
