Not as good as Part 1

I don't understand why people say this is better than part 1 at all. The plot is basically recycled from the original with a few of the characters roles rearranged. The movie is full of humor that doesn't work, for example the sunglasses scene. In the original film, the T-800 puts on the glasses to hide his exposed cyborg eye. In this movie, it's played just for laughs.

The T-1000 is nowhere near as intimidating as a villain as Arnold was in the original. I'm sorry, but the actor playing him was just too skinny. This movie also just felt too clean for me and lacked the grit of the original. T2 is a good film and I'll admit it's the best of the Terminator sequels, however the original is still king as far as I'm concerned.


T2 lacks a certain believability and invalidates the first movie. Kyle Reese made it quite clear that Skynet had already lost the war and sent back the T-800 as a last ditch effort to eliminate John Connor. After Kyle and the Terminator were sent back, the time displacement equipment was then destroyed. “Nothing else comes through.” So then we are supposed to believe that Skynet had another time machine the whole time, and were able to send back an even more advanced model? How? Why not just keep sending back terminators then? Why not send ten, or twenty terminators? Apparently Skynet is capablenof anything now. Also a liquid metal terminator is simply too over-powered to be believed. Why can’t these “nanomachines” just fly through the air and kill John Connor, or break into smaller pieces and run after him from different directions.


But Geneysis and Dark Fate are better than this and the original, hands down


Your opinion of films is about as much use as tits on a church nun. I wish you were trolling but since you like the garbage fast and furious movies you probably believe what you are saying. Millions of Terminator fans would disagree with your idiotic statement.


"The plot is basically recycled from the original with a few of the characters roles rearranged."

There's so much wrong with your post, but this lazy ass argument really stands out. The movies are nothing alike aside from both are about machines trying to kill someone. For starters, there's two terminators. A terminator on the Resistance's side? This was unheard of before the shitty sequels no one cares about killed this premise. Trying to change the future? That didn't exist in the original. Reese's only goal was to keep Sarah alive. Altering the future was not a thing. John is also nothing like his mom was in the original. And speaking of his mom, her transformation? Total 180. Your comment is baseless.
