Anyone on Team Martin?

Sure, the guy was a little over-possessive and ‘hands-on’ at times, but if we’re going to see the best in people then what qualities could we celebrate about Martin?

He was very attentive, some guys can be distant - not Martin.

As a provider he really delivered when it came to a dream house, lifestyle, and endless gifts.

He was willing to kill for Laura (granted, her mother was on his kill-list but it speaks to his devotion)

He kept himself, and Laura, in peak physical condition.

He was very neighbourly and really got stuck in on the sailing trip, he practically saved everyone during the tempest.

Best moustache since Hitler.

What other qualities can we admire in Martin?


His persistence - he didn't give up on finding Laura once he knew she was alive.

He was going to rescue her from the creepy new neighbor.


He should really apply himself


That’s true, he was very protective of her, in his own unique way.


This is one thing I never really understood. Does he embrace evil and antisocial routines and therefore uses Laura as a wife slave just for the hell of it or is he just a desperate man who let his obsessions get too far out of control?


He’s just really misunderstood.
